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Use of Emulator and Canonical Correlation to Incorporate 4D Seismic Data in the Reduction of Uncertainty Process (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ferreira, C., Davolio, A., Schiozer, D., Vernon, I., & Goldstein, M. (2015, December). Use of Emulator and Canonical Correlation to Incorporate 4D Seismic Data in the Reduction of Uncertainty Process. Presented at EUROPEC 2015, Madrid, Spain

In petroleum engineering, simulation models are used in reservoir performance prediction and in the decision-making process. These models are complex systems, typically characterized by a vast number of input parameters. Typically, the physical state... Read More about Use of Emulator and Canonical Correlation to Incorporate 4D Seismic Data in the Reduction of Uncertainty Process.

Bayesian history matching of complex infectious disease models using emulation: A tutorial and a case study on HIV in Uganda (2015)
Journal Article
Andrianakis, I., Vernon, I., McCreesh, N., McKinley, T., Oakley, J., Nsubuga, R., …White, R. (2015). Bayesian history matching of complex infectious disease models using emulation: A tutorial and a case study on HIV in Uganda. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(1), Article e1003968.

Advances in scientific computing have allowed the development of complex models that are being routinely applied to problems in disease epidemiology, public health and decision making. The utility of these models depends in part on how well they can... Read More about Bayesian history matching of complex infectious disease models using emulation: A tutorial and a case study on HIV in Uganda.