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Quantifying the impact of different approaches for handling continuous predictors on the performance of a prognostic model (2016)
Journal Article
Collins, G. S., Ogundimu, E. O., Cook, J. A., Manach, Y. L., & Altman, D. G. (2016). Quantifying the impact of different approaches for handling continuous predictors on the performance of a prognostic model. Statistics in Medicine, 35(23), 4124-4135.

Continuous predictors are routinely encountered when developing a prognostic model. Investigators, who are often non-statisticians, must decide how to handle continuous predictors in their models. Categorising continuous measurements into two or more... Read More about Quantifying the impact of different approaches for handling continuous predictors on the performance of a prognostic model.

A unified approach to multilevel sample selection models (2016)
Journal Article
Ogundimu, E. O., & Hutton, J. L. (2016). A unified approach to multilevel sample selection models. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 45(9), 2592-2611.

We propose a unified approach for multilevel sample selection models using a generalized result on skew distributions arising from selection. If the underlying distributional assumption is normal, then the resulting density for the outcome is the con... Read More about A unified approach to multilevel sample selection models.