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Outputs (3)

Energy Bounds for a Compressed Elastic Film on a Substrate (2016)
Journal Article
Bourne, D., Conti, S., & Mueller, S. (2017). Energy Bounds for a Compressed Elastic Film on a Substrate. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27(2), 453-494.

We study pattern formation in a compressed elastic film which delaminates from a substrate. Our key tool is the determination of rigorous upper and lower bounds on the minimum value of a suitable energy functional. The energy consists of two parts, d... Read More about Energy Bounds for a Compressed Elastic Film on a Substrate.

Scheduling the repair of aircraft components - a case study (2016)
Journal Article
Avelino, C., Bourne, D., Ferreira, F., Rasteiro, D., & Santos, J. (2016). Scheduling the repair of aircraft components - a case study. Mathematics-in-industry case studies, 7(1), Article 5.

In aircraft components maintenance shops, components are distributed amongst repair groups and their respective technicians based on the type of repair, on the technicians skills and workload, and on the customer required dates. This distribution pla... Read More about Scheduling the repair of aircraft components - a case study.

Folding Patterns in Partially Delaminated Thin Films (2016)
Book Chapter
Bourne, D., Conti, S., & Mueller, S. (2016). Folding Patterns in Partially Delaminated Thin Films. In K. Weinberg, & A. Pandolfi (Eds.), Innovative numerical approaches for multi-field and multi-scale problems : in honor of Michael Ortiz's 60th birthday (25-39). Springer Verlag.

Michael Ortiz and Gustavo Gioia showed in the 90s that the complex patterns arising in compressed elastic films can be analyzed within the context of the calculus of variations. Their initial work focused on films partially debonded from the substrat... Read More about Folding Patterns in Partially Delaminated Thin Films.