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Outputs (88)

Jordan – Cattaneo waves: Analogues of compressible flow (2020)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2020). Jordan – Cattaneo waves: Analogues of compressible flow. Wave Motion, 98, Article 102637.

We review work of Jordan on a hyperbolic variant of the Fisher - KPP equation, where a shock solution is found and the amplitude is calculated exactly. The Jordan procedure is extended to a hyperbolic variant of the Chafee – Infante equation. Extensi... Read More about Jordan – Cattaneo waves: Analogues of compressible flow.

Nonlinear Stability for Thermal Convection in a Brinkman Porous Material with Viscous Dissipation (2020)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2020). Nonlinear Stability for Thermal Convection in a Brinkman Porous Material with Viscous Dissipation. Transport in Porous Media, 134(2), 303-314.

We investigate nonlinear stability in a model for thermal convection in a saturated porous material using Brinkman theory, taking into account viscous dissipation effects. There are (at least) two models for viscous dissipation available, and we incl... Read More about Nonlinear Stability for Thermal Convection in a Brinkman Porous Material with Viscous Dissipation.

Bidispersive thermal convection with relatively large macropores (2020)
Journal Article
Gentile, M., & Straughan, B. (2020). Bidispersive thermal convection with relatively large macropores. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 898, Article a14.

We derive linear instability and nonlinear stability thresholds for a problem of thermal convection in a bidispersive porous medium with a single temperature when Darcy theory is employed in the micropores whereas Brinkman theory is utilized in the m... Read More about Bidispersive thermal convection with relatively large macropores.

Continuous dependence on boundary and Soret coefficients in double diffusive bidispersive convection (2020)
Journal Article
Franchi, F., Nibbi, R., & Straughan, B. (2020). Continuous dependence on boundary and Soret coefficients in double diffusive bidispersive convection. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43(15), 8882-8893.

We develop a theory for double diffusive convection in a double porosity material along the Brinkman scheme. The Soret effect is included whereby a temperature gradient may directly influence salt concentration. The boundary conditions on the tempera... Read More about Continuous dependence on boundary and Soret coefficients in double diffusive bidispersive convection.

Nonlinear acceleration wave propagation in the DKM theory (2020)
Journal Article
Straughan, B., Tibullo, V., & Amendola, A. (2020). Nonlinear acceleration wave propagation in the DKM theory. Mechanics Research Communications, 104, Article 103482.

We study the evolutionary development of an acceleration wave propagating in a saturated porous material according to a Biot theory proposed by Donskoy, Khashanah and McKee. The theory is fully nonlinear, includes dissipation, and the analysis presen... Read More about Nonlinear acceleration wave propagation in the DKM theory.

Heated and Salted Below Porous Convection with Generalized Temperature and Solute Boundary Conditions (2019)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2020). Heated and Salted Below Porous Convection with Generalized Temperature and Solute Boundary Conditions. Transport in Porous Media, 131(2), 617-631.

We address the problem of initiation of convective motion in the case of a fluid saturated porous layer, containing a salt in solution, which is heated and salted below. We amplify the very interesting recent results of Nield and Kuznetsov and examin... Read More about Heated and Salted Below Porous Convection with Generalized Temperature and Solute Boundary Conditions.

Anisotropic bidispersive convection (2019)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2019). Anisotropic bidispersive convection. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 475(2227), Article 20190206.

This paper investigates thermal convection in an anisotropic bidisperse porous medium. A bidisperse porous medium is one which possesses the usual pores, but in addition, there are cracks or fissures in the solid skeleton and these give rise to a sec... Read More about Anisotropic bidispersive convection.

Effect of inertia on double diffusive bidispersive convection (2018)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2018). Effect of inertia on double diffusive bidispersive convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 129, 389-396.

Convection thresholds in a saturated bidisperse porous material are calculated in the presence of a non-zero coefficient of inertia, the acceleration coefficient, for the fluid velocity in the macro pores. We concentrate on the case where the layer i... Read More about Effect of inertia on double diffusive bidispersive convection.

Thermal effects on nonlinear acceleration waves in the Biot theory of porous media (2018)
Journal Article
Straughan, B., & Tibullo, V. (2018). Thermal effects on nonlinear acceleration waves in the Biot theory of porous media. Mechanics Research Communications, 94, 70-73.

We generalize a theory of Biot for a porous solid based on nonlinear elasticity theory to incorporate temperature effects. Acceleration waves are studied in detail in the fully nonlinear theory. The wavespeeds are found explicitly and the amplitudes... Read More about Thermal effects on nonlinear acceleration waves in the Biot theory of porous media.

Bidispersive double diffusive convection (2018)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2018). Bidispersive double diffusive convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 504-508.

A model is developed for double diffusive convection in a bidisperse porous medium. Double diffusive convection is convective movement of fluid due to temperature and salt gradient effects. A bidisperse porous medium is one where there are pores know... Read More about Bidispersive double diffusive convection.