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Outputs (12455)

A big red dot: scattered light, host galaxy signatures, and multiphase gas flows in a luminous, heavily reddened quasar at cosmic noon (2024)
Journal Article
Stepney, M., Banerji, M., Tang, S., Hewett, P. C., Temple, M. J., Wethers, C. F., Puglisi, A., & Molyneux, S. J. (2024). A big red dot: scattered light, host galaxy signatures, and multiphase gas flows in a luminous, heavily reddened quasar at cosmic noon. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(3), 2948-2965.

Magnetization dynamics in single and trilayer nanowires. (2024)
Journal Article
Kuchibhotla, M., Haldar, A., & Adeyeye, A. O. (2024). Magnetization dynamics in single and trilayer nanowires. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36(45), Article 455808.

We have studied the magnetization dynamics of single Py( ) ( = 20 nm, 50 nm) and trilayer [Py(50)/Pd( )/Py(20)] nanowire arrays fabricated over large areas using deep ultraviolet lithography technique. The dynamic properties are sensitive to the fiel... Read More about Magnetization dynamics in single and trilayer nanowires..

Lorentz violating backgrounds from quadratic, shift-symmetric, ultralight dark matter (2024)
Journal Article
Jiang, M., Pecjak, B. D., Perez, G., & Sankaranarayanan, S. (2024). Lorentz violating backgrounds from quadratic, shift-symmetric, ultralight dark matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(8), Article 114.

We consider an effective theory for a shift-symmetric, quadratically-coupled, ultralight spin-0 field. The leading CP conserving interactions with Standard Model fields in the effective theory arise at dimension 8. We discuss the renormalization grou... Read More about Lorentz violating backgrounds from quadratic, shift-symmetric, ultralight dark matter.

Following the Pulsations in the Long-term Cooling of GW Librae and V386 Serpentis (2024)
Journal Article
Szkody, P., van Roestel, J., Bell, K. J., Vanderbosch, Z. P., Mukadam, A., & Scaringi, S. (2024). Following the Pulsations in the Long-term Cooling of GW Librae and V386 Serpentis. Astronomical Journal, 168(3), Article 114.

GW Lib and V386 Ser are dwarf novae systems containing pulsating white dwarfs that underwent large 8–9 mag amplitude outbursts in 2007 and 2019, respectively. Following the pulsation periods in these systems after the outburst provides a means to vie... Read More about Following the Pulsations in the Long-term Cooling of GW Librae and V386 Serpentis.

A complex node of the cosmic web associated with the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0600.1-2008 (2024)
Journal Article
Furtak, L. J., Zitrin, A., Richard, J., Eckert, D., Sayers, J., Ebeling, H., Fujimoto, S., Laporte, N., Lagattuta, D., Limousin, M., Mahler, G., Meena, A. K., Andrade-Santos, F., Frye, B. L., Jauzac, M., Koekemoer, A. M., Kohno, K., Espada, D., Lu, H., Massey, R., & Niemiec, A. (2024). A complex node of the cosmic web associated with the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0600.1-2008. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(2), 2242-2261.

Dilaton forbidden dark matter (2024)
Journal Article
Appelquist, T., Ingoldby, J., & Piai, M. (2024). Dilaton forbidden dark matter. Physical Review D, 110(3), Article 035013.

Dilaton effective field theory (dEFT) describes the long distance behavior of certain confining, near-conformal gauge theories that have been studied via lattice computation. Pseudo-Nambu- Goldstone bosons (pNGBs), emerging from the breaking of appro... Read More about Dilaton forbidden dark matter.

SDSS-IV MaNGA: stellar rotational support in disc galaxies versus central surface density and stellar population age (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, X., Luo, Y., Faber, S. M., Koo, D. C., Mao, S., Westfall, K. B., Lu, S., Wang, W., Bundy, K., Boardman, N., Avila-Reese, V., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., & Lane, R. R. (2024). SDSS-IV MaNGA: stellar rotational support in disc galaxies versus central surface density and stellar population age. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(2), 2026-2047.

Simple and effective mechanical cloaking (2024)
Journal Article
Fielding, S. M. (2024). Simple and effective mechanical cloaking. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 192, Article 105824.

We show theoretically that essentially perfect elastostatic mechanical cloaking of a circular inclusion in a homogeneous surrounding medium can be achieved by means of a simple cloak comprising three concentric annuli, each formed of a homogeneous is... Read More about Simple and effective mechanical cloaking.