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Outputs (439)

Manipulation of the Ferromagnetism in LaCoO3 Thin Films Through Cation‐Stoichiometric Engineering (2023)
Journal Article
Huang, T., Lyu, Y., Huyan, H., Ni, J., Saremi, S., Wang, Y., …Yu, P. (2023). Manipulation of the Ferromagnetism in LaCoO3 Thin Films Through Cation‐Stoichiometric Engineering. Advanced Electronic Materials, 9(5),

Spin-state transitions are an important research topic in complex oxides with the diverse magnetic states involved. In particular, the low-spin to high-spin transition in LaCoO3 thin films has drawn a wide range of attention due to the emergent ferro... Read More about Manipulation of the Ferromagnetism in LaCoO3 Thin Films Through Cation‐Stoichiometric Engineering.

Bringing Stellar Evolution and Feedback Together: Summary of Proposals from the Lorentz Center Workshop (2023)
Journal Article
Geen, S., Agrawal, P., Crowther, P. A., Keller, B., de Koter, A., Keszthelyi, Z., van de Voort, F., Ali, A. A., Backs, F., Bonne, L., Brugaletta, V., Derkink, A., Ekström, S., Fichtner, Y. A., Grassitelli, L., Götberg, Y., Higgins, E. R., Laplace, E., You Liow, K., Lorenzo, M., …Winch, E. (2023). Bringing Stellar Evolution and Feedback Together: Summary of Proposals from the Lorentz Center Workshop. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 135(1044), Article 021001.

Stars strongly impact their environment, and shape structures on all scales throughout the universe, in a process known as "feedback." Due to the complexity of both stellar evolution and the physics of larger astrophysical structures, there remain ma... Read More about Bringing Stellar Evolution and Feedback Together: Summary of Proposals from the Lorentz Center Workshop.

Piercing the dusty veil of hyper-luminous infrared galaxies: Sub-arcsecond 144 MHz ILT observations of HLIRGs in the Lockman Hole (2023)
Journal Article
Sweijen, F., Lyu, Y., Wang, L., Gao, F., Röttgering, H., van Weeren, R., Morabito, L., Best, P., Małek, K., Williams, W., Prandoni, I., Bonato, M., & Bondi, M. (2023). Piercing the dusty veil of hyper-luminous infrared galaxies: Sub-arcsecond 144 MHz ILT observations of HLIRGs in the Lockman Hole. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 671, Article A85.

Context. Hyper-luminous infrared galaxies (HLIRGs) are among the most extreme systems in the Universe. With infrared (IR) luminosities of LIR > 1013 L⊙ they can have IR-derived star formation rates (SFRs) exceeding 103 M⊙ yr−1. Theoretical models hav... Read More about Piercing the dusty veil of hyper-luminous infrared galaxies: Sub-arcsecond 144 MHz ILT observations of HLIRGs in the Lockman Hole.

Integrating out heavy scalars with modified equations of motion: Matching computation of dimension-eight SMEFT coefficients (2023)
Journal Article
Banerjee, U., Chakrabortty, J., Englert, C., Rahaman, S. U., & Spannowsky, M. (2023). Integrating out heavy scalars with modified equations of motion: Matching computation of dimension-eight SMEFT coefficients. Physical Review D, 107(5), Article 055007.

The shift in focus towards searches for physics beyond the Standard Model employing model-independent effective field theory methods necessitates a rigorous approach to matching to guarantee the validity of the obtained results and constraints. The l... Read More about Integrating out heavy scalars with modified equations of motion: Matching computation of dimension-eight SMEFT coefficients.

Velocity-dependent J-factors for Milky Way dwarf spheroidal analogues in cosmological simulations (2023)
Journal Article
Blanchette, K., Piccirillo, E., Bozorgnia, N., Strigari, L. E., Fattahi, A., Frenk, C. S., Navarro, J. F., & Sawala, T. (2023). Velocity-dependent J-factors for Milky Way dwarf spheroidal analogues in cosmological simulations. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023(03), Article 021.

We study the impact of the dark matter velocity distribution modelling on signals from velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation in Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Using the high resolution APOSTLE simulations, we identify analogues correspond... Read More about Velocity-dependent J-factors for Milky Way dwarf spheroidal analogues in cosmological simulations.

Beyond the bulge–halo conspiracy? Density profiles of early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing (2023)
Journal Article
Etherington, A., Nightingale, J. W., Massey, R., Robertson, A., Cao, X., Amvrosiadis, A., Cole, S., Frenk, C. S., He, Q., Lagattuta, D. J., Lange, S., & Li, R. (2023). Beyond the bulge–halo conspiracy? Density profiles of early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(4), 6005-6018.

Observations suggest that the dark matter and stars in early-type galaxies ‘conspire’ to produce a surprisingly simple distribution of total mass, ρ(r) ∝ ρ−γ, with γ ≈ 2. We measure the distribution of mass in 48 early-type galaxies that gravitationa... Read More about Beyond the bulge–halo conspiracy? Density profiles of early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing.

Rupturing aromaticity by periphery overcrowding (2023)
Journal Article
Saha, P. K., Mallick, A., Turley, A. T., Bismillah, A. N., Danos, A., Monkman, A. P., Avestro, A.-J., Yufit, D. S., & McGonigal, P. R. (2023). Rupturing aromaticity by periphery overcrowding. Nature Chemistry, 15(4), 516-525.

The balance between strain relief and aromatic stabilization dictates the form and function of non-planar π-aromatics. Overcrowded systems are known to undergo geometric deformations, but the energetically favourable π-electron delocalization of thei... Read More about Rupturing aromaticity by periphery overcrowding.

Cosmological structure formation and soliton phase transition in fuzzy dark matter with axion self-interactions (2023)
Journal Article
Mocz, P., Fialkov, A., Vogelsberger, M., Boylan-Kolchin, M., Chavanis, P.-H., Amin, M. A., Bose, S., Dome, T., Hernquist, L., Lancaster, L., Notis, M., Painter, C., Robles, V. H., & Zavala, J. (2023). Cosmological structure formation and soliton phase transition in fuzzy dark matter with axion self-interactions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(2), 2608-2615.

We investigate cosmological structure formation in fuzzy dark matter (FDM) with the attractive self-interaction (SI) with numerical simulations. Such a SI would arise if the FDM boson were an ultra-light axion, which has a strong CP symmetry-breaking... Read More about Cosmological structure formation and soliton phase transition in fuzzy dark matter with axion self-interactions.

The Spectroscopic Data Processing Pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (2023)
Journal Article
Guy, J., Bailey, S., Kremin, A., Alam, S., Alexander, D., Allende Prieto, C., BenZvi, S., Bolton, A., Brooks, D., Chaussidon, E., Cooper, A., Dawson, K., de la Macorra, A., Dey, A., Dey, B., Dhungana, G., Eisenstein, D., Font-Ribera, A., Forero-Romero, J., Gaztañaga, E., …Zou, H. (2023). The Spectroscopic Data Processing Pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument. Astrophysical Journal, 165(4), Article 144.

We describe the spectroscopic data processing pipeline of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which is conducting a redshift survey of about 40 million galaxies and quasars using a purpose-built instrument on the 4 m Mayall Telescope at... Read More about The Spectroscopic Data Processing Pipeline for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument.