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Outputs (542)

Improving the simulation of quark and gluon jets with Herwig 7 (2017)
Journal Article
Reichelt, D., Richardson, P., & Siodmok, A. (2017). Improving the simulation of quark and gluon jets with Herwig 7. The European Physical Journal C, 77(12), Article 876.

The properties of quark and gluon jets, and the differences between them, are increasingly important at the LHC. However, Monte Carlo event generators are normally tuned to data from e+e−e+e− collisions which are primarily sensitive to quark-initiate... Read More about Improving the simulation of quark and gluon jets with Herwig 7.

Gauge leptoquark as the origin of B-physics anomalies (2017)
Journal Article
Di Luzio, L., Greljo, A., & Nardecchia, M. (2017). Gauge leptoquark as the origin of B-physics anomalies. Physical Review D, 96(11), Article 115011.

The vector leptoquark representation, Uμ ¼ ð3; 1; 2=3Þ, was recently identified as an exceptional single mediator model to address experimental hints on lepton flavor universality violation in semileptonic B-meson decays, both in neutral (b → sμμ) an... Read More about Gauge leptoquark as the origin of B-physics anomalies.

Molecular gas in the Herschel-selected strongly lensed submillimeter galaxies at z ~ 2–4 as probed by multi-J CO lines (2017)
Journal Article
Yang, C., Omont, A., Beelen, A., Gao, Y., van der Werf, P., Gavazzi, R., …Smail, I. (2017). Molecular gas in the Herschel-selected strongly lensed submillimeter galaxies at z ~ 2–4 as probed by multi-J CO lines. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 608,

We present the IRAM-30 m observations of multiple-J CO (Jup mostly from 3 up to 8) and [C I](3P2 → 3P1) ([C I](2–1) hereafter) line emission in a sample of redshift ~2–4 submillimeter galaxies (SMGs). These SMGs are selected among the brightest-lense... Read More about Molecular gas in the Herschel-selected strongly lensed submillimeter galaxies at z ~ 2–4 as probed by multi-J CO lines.

Magnetically gated accretion in an accreting ‘non-magnetic’ white dwarf (2017)
Journal Article
Scaringi, S., Maccarone, T., D’Angelo, C., Knigge, C., & Groot, P. (2017). Magnetically gated accretion in an accreting ‘non-magnetic’ white dwarf. Nature, 552(7684), 210-213.

White dwarfs are often found in binary systems with orbital periods ranging from tens of minutes to hours in which they can accrete gas from their companion stars. In about 15 per cent of these binaries, the magnetic field of the white dwarf is stron... Read More about Magnetically gated accretion in an accreting ‘non-magnetic’ white dwarf.

Quasar lenses and pairs in the VST-ATLAS and Gaia (2017)
Journal Article
Agnello, A., Schechter, P., Morgan, N., Treu, T., Grillo, C., Malesani, D., …Shanks, T. (2018). Quasar lenses and pairs in the VST-ATLAS and Gaia. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(2), 2086-2096.

We report on discovery results from a quasar lens search in the ATLAS-DR3 public footprint. Spectroscopic follow-up campaigns, conducted at the 2.6 m Nordic Optical Telescope (La Palma) and 3.6 m New Technology Telescope (La Silla) in 2016, yielded s... Read More about Quasar lenses and pairs in the VST-ATLAS and Gaia.

The Onset of Thermally Unstable Cooling from the Hot Atmospheres of Giant Galaxies in Clusters: Constraints on Feedback Models (2017)
Journal Article
Hogan, M., McNamara, B., Pulido, F., Nulsen, P., Vantyghem, A., Russell, H., …McDonald, M. (2017). The Onset of Thermally Unstable Cooling from the Hot Atmospheres of Giant Galaxies in Clusters: Constraints on Feedback Models. Astrophysical Journal, 851(1), Article 66.

We present accurate mass and thermodynamic profiles for 57 galaxy clusters observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We investigate the effects of local gravitational acceleration in central cluster galaxies, and explore the role of the local free... Read More about The Onset of Thermally Unstable Cooling from the Hot Atmospheres of Giant Galaxies in Clusters: Constraints on Feedback Models.

Dimension-six matrix elements for meson mixing and lifetimes from sum rules (2017)
Journal Article
Kirk, M., Lenz, A., & Rauh, T. (2017). Dimension-six matrix elements for meson mixing and lifetimes from sum rules. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(12), Article 68.

The hadronic matrix elements of dimension-six ∆F = 0, 2 operators are crucial inputs for the theory predictions of mixing observables and lifetime ratios in the B and D system. We determine them using HQET sum rules for three-point correlators. The r... Read More about Dimension-six matrix elements for meson mixing and lifetimes from sum rules.

A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models (2017)
Journal Article
Hou, J., Lacey, C. G., & Frenk, C. S. (2018). A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1), 543-569.

Semi-analytic galaxy formation models are widely used to gain insight into the astrophysics of galaxy formation and in model testing, parameter space searching and mock catalogue building. In this work, we present a new model for gas cooling in haloe... Read More about A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models.

Equivalence of cosmological observables in conformally related scalar tensor theories (2017)
Journal Article
Rondeau, F., & Li, B. (2017). Equivalence of cosmological observables in conformally related scalar tensor theories. Physical Review D, 96(12), Article 124009.

Scalar tensor theories can be expressed in different frames, such as the commonly used Einstein and Jordan frames, and it is generally accepted that cosmological observables are the same in these frames. We revisit this by making a detailed side-by-s... Read More about Equivalence of cosmological observables in conformally related scalar tensor theories.

ElecSus: Extension to arbitrary geometry magneto-optics (2017)
Journal Article
Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2017). ElecSus: Extension to arbitrary geometry magneto-optics. Computer Physics Communications, 224, 311-324.

We present a major update to ElecSus, a computer program and underlying model to calculate the electric susceptibility of an alkali-metal atomic vapour. Knowledge of the electric susceptibility of a medium is essential to predict its absorptive and d... Read More about ElecSus: Extension to arbitrary geometry magneto-optics.