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Outputs (360)

Search for a 2-quasiparticle high-K isomer in (256)Rf (2011)
Journal Article
Robinson, A., Khoo, T., Seweryniak, D., Ahmad, I., Asai, M., Back, B., Carpenter, M., Chowdhury, P., Davids, C., Greene, J., Greenlees, P., Hauschild, K., Heinz, A., Herzberg, R. .-D., Janssens, R., Jenkins, D., Jones, G., Ketelhut, S., Kondev, F., Lauritsen, T., …Zhu, S. (2011). Search for a 2-quasiparticle high-K isomer in (256)Rf. Physical Review C, 83(6), Article 064311.

High-resolution spectroscopy of decay pathways in the C-12(C-12,gamma) reaction (2011)
Journal Article
Marley, P., Jenkins, D., Davies, P., Robinson, A., Wadsworth, R., Lister, C., Carpenter, M., Janssens, R., Jiang, C., Khoo, T., Lauritsen, T., Seweryniak, D., Zhu, S., Courtin, S., Haas, F., Lebhertz, D., Bouhelal, M., Lighthall, J., Wuosmaa, A., & O'Donnell, D. (2011). High-resolution spectroscopy of decay pathways in the C-12(C-12,gamma) reaction. Physical Review C, 84(4), Article 044332.

Exclusive production of the BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Heinemeyer, S., Khoze, V., Ryskin, M., Tasevsky, M., & Weiglein, G. (2011, December). Exclusive production of the BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC. Presented at 19th International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2011), Newport News, Virginia

We review the prospects for Central Exclusive Production (CEP) of BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC using forward proton detectors proposed to be installed at 220 m and 420 m from the ATLAS and/ or CMS. Results are presented for MSSM in standard benchmark... Read More about Exclusive production of the BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC.

Wide field adaptive optics microscopy using both closed loop correction and image sharpness optimization (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bourgenot, C., Love, G. D., Saunter, C. D., & Girkin, J. M. (2011, July). Wide field adaptive optics microscopy using both closed loop correction and image sharpness optimization. Presented at Imaging and Applied Optics, Toronto, Canada

We report on results from a wide field microscope fitted with adaptive optics. We describe results based on both image optimization (wavefront sensorless adaptive optics) and full closed loop correction.