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Outputs (306)

Electrostatic control of thickness and stiffness in a designed protein fiber (2008)
Journal Article
Papapostolou, D., Bromley, E., Bano, C., & Woolfson, D. (2008). Electrostatic control of thickness and stiffness in a designed protein fiber. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(15), 5124-5130.

Attempts to design peptide-based fibers from first principles test our understanding of protein folding and assembly, and potentially provide routes to new biomaterials. Several groups have presented such designs based on a-helical and beta-strand bu... Read More about Electrostatic control of thickness and stiffness in a designed protein fiber.

Dynamical breaking of U(1)_{R} and supersymmetry in a metastable vacuum (2008)
Journal Article
Abel, S., Durnford, C., Jaeckel, J., & Khoze, V. (2008). Dynamical breaking of U(1)_{R} and supersymmetry in a metastable vacuum. Physics Letters B, 661(2-3), 201-209.

We consider the metastable N=1 QCD model of Intriligator, Seiberg and Shih (ISS), deformed by adding a baryon term to the superpotential. This simple deformation causes the spontaneous breaking of the approximate R-symmetry of the metastable vacuum.... Read More about Dynamical breaking of U(1)_{R} and supersymmetry in a metastable vacuum.