The interaction of quantum well excitons with evanescent EM waves and the spectroscopy of waveguide polaritons
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Beggs, D., Kaliteevski, M., Brand, S., Abram, R., & Kavokin, A. (2004, July). The interaction of quantum well excitons with evanescent EM waves and the spectroscopy of waveguide polaritons. Presented at 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors : ICPS-27., Flagstaff, Arizona
A transfer matrix method has been used to calculate the dispersion relations of planar dielectric waveguides (WGs) containing quantum well (QW) excitons. It is found that WG polaritons are formed, whose dispersion displays the classic anti-crossing b... Read More about The interaction of quantum well excitons with evanescent EM waves and the spectroscopy of waveguide polaritons.