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The strong coupling constant: state of the art and the decade ahead (2024)
Journal Article
d’Enterria, D., d'Enterria, D., Kluth, S., Reichelt, D., Zanderighi, G., others, Ayala, C., Benitez-Rathgeb, M. A., Blümlein, J., Boito, D., Brambilla, N., Britzger, D., Camarda, S., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Cridge, T., Cvetič, G., d’Enterria, D., Dalla Brida, M., Deur, A., Giuli, F., …Xie, K. (2024). The strong coupling constant: state of the art and the decade ahead. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 51(9), Article 090501.

Theoretical predictions for particle production cross sections and decays at colliders rely heavily on perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) calculations, expressed as an expansion in powers of the strong coupling constant α S . The current O(1%)... Read More about The strong coupling constant: state of the art and the decade ahead.

50 Years of quantum chromodynamics (2023)
Journal Article
Gross, F., Klempt, E., Brodsky, S. J., Buras, A. J., Burkert, V. D., Heinrich, G., …Zhou, X. (2023). 50 Years of quantum chromodynamics. The European Physical Journal C, 83(12), Article 1125.

Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of quarks and gluons, whose interactions can be described by a local SU(3) gauge symmetry with charges called “color quantum numbers”, is reviewed; the goal of this review is to provide advanced Ph.D. students a com... Read More about 50 Years of quantum chromodynamics.

Resummed Higgs cross section at N3LL (2014)
Journal Article
Bonvini, M., & Marzani, S. (2014). Resummed Higgs cross section at N3LL. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9), Article 7.

We present accurate predictions for the inclusive production of a Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions, via gluon-gluon fusion. Our calculation includes nextto-next-to-leading order (NNLO) corrections in perturbative QCD, as well as the resummatio... Read More about Resummed Higgs cross section at N3LL.

Soft drop (2014)
Journal Article
Larkoski, A. J., Marzani, S., Soyez, G., & Thaler, J. (2014). Soft drop. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(5), Article 146.

We introduce a new jet substructure technique called “soft drop declustering”, which recursively removes soft wide-angle radiation from a jet. The soft drop algorithm depends on two parameters — a soft threshold zcut and an angular exponent — with th... Read More about Soft drop.