Applications of integrand reduction to two-loop five-point scattering amplitudes in QCD
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Badger, S., Bronnum-Hansen, C., Gehrmann, T., Hartanto, H. B., Henn, J., Lo Presti, A., & Peraro, T. (2023, April). Applications of integrand reduction to two-loop five-point scattering amplitudes in QCD. Presented at Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (LL2018), St. Goar, Germany
We review the current state-of-the-art in integrand level reduction for five-point scattering amplitudes at two loops in QCD. We present some benchmark results for the evaluation of the leading colour two-loop five-gluon amploitudes in the physical r... Read More about Applications of integrand reduction to two-loop five-point scattering amplitudes in QCD.