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Outputs (4)

Detection of Extended X-Ray Emission around the PeVatron Microquasar V4641 Sgr with XRISM (2025)
Journal Article
Suzuki, H., Tsuji, N., Kanemaru, Y., Shidatsu, M., Olivera-Nieto, L., Safi-Harb, S., Kimura, S. S., de la Fuente, E., Casanova, S., Mori, K., Wang, X., Kato, S., Tateishi, D., Uchiyama, H., Tanaka, T., Uchida, H., Inoue, S., Huang, D., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Miura, D., …Ueda, Y. (2025). Detection of Extended X-Ray Emission around the PeVatron Microquasar V4641 Sgr with XRISM. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 978(2), Article L20.

A recent report on the detection of very-high-energy gamma rays from V4641 Sagittarii (V4641 Sgr) up to ≈0.8 PeV has made it the second confirmed “PeVatron” microquasar. Here we report on the observation of V4641 Sgr with X-Ray Imaging and Spectrosco... Read More about Detection of Extended X-Ray Emission around the PeVatron Microquasar V4641 Sgr with XRISM.

X-ray polarization properties of thermal-radiative disc winds in binary systems (2023)
Journal Article
Tomaru, R., Done, C., & Odaka, H. (2024). X-ray polarization properties of thermal-radiative disc winds in binary systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 7047–7054.

New X-ray polarization results are challenging our understanding of the accretion flow geometry in black hole binary systems. Even spectra dominated by a standard disc can give unexpected results, such as the high-inclination black hole binary 4U 163... Read More about X-ray polarization properties of thermal-radiative disc winds in binary systems.

A different view of wind in X-ray binaries: the accretion disc corona source 2S 0921-630 (2023)
Journal Article
Tomaru, R., Done, C., Odaka, H., & Tanimoto, A. (2023). A different view of wind in X-ray binaries: the accretion disc corona source 2S 0921-630. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(3), 3441-3449.

Accretion disc coronae (ADC) sources are very high inclination neutron star or black hole binaries, where the outer accretion flow blocks a direct view of the central source. The weak observed X-ray emission is instead produced mainly by scattering o... Read More about A different view of wind in X-ray binaries: the accretion disc corona source 2S 0921-630.

What powers the wind from the black hole accretion disc in GRO J1655-40? (2022)
Journal Article
Tomaru, R., Done, C., & Mao, J. (2022). What powers the wind from the black hole accretion disc in GRO J1655-40?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(2), 1789-1801.

Black hole accretion discs can produce powerful outflowing plasma (disc winds), seen as blue-shifted absorption lines in stellar and supermassive systems. These winds in Quasars have an essential role in controlling galaxy formation across cosmic tim... Read More about What powers the wind from the black hole accretion disc in GRO J1655-40?.