PKS 1830–211: OH and H I at z = 0.89 and the first MeerKAT UHF spectrum
Journal Article
Combes, F., Gupta, N., Muller, S., Balashev, S., Józsa, G., Srianand, R., Momjian, E., Noterdaeme, P., Klöckner, H.-R., Baker, A., Boettcher, E., Bosma, A., Chen, H.-W., Dutta, R., Jagannathan, P., Jose, J., Knowles, K., Krogager, J.-.., Kulkarni, V., Moodley, K., …Sekhar, S. (2021). PKS 1830–211: OH and H I at z = 0.89 and the first MeerKAT UHF spectrum. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 648, Article A116.
The Large Survey Project (LSP) “MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey” (MALS) is a blind H I 21 cm and OH 18 cm absorption line survey in the L- and UHF-bands, primarily designed to better determine the occurrence of atomic and molecular gas in the circumga... Read More about PKS 1830–211: OH and H I at z = 0.89 and the first MeerKAT UHF spectrum.