Double unresolved approximations to multiparton scattering amplitudes
Journal Article
Campbell, J. M., & Glover, E. (1998). Double unresolved approximations to multiparton scattering amplitudes. Nuclear Physics B, B527, 264-288.
Outputs (6)
A Complete O (alpha alpha-s) calculation of the photon + 1 jet rate in e+ e- annihilation (1998)
Journal Article
Gehrmann-De Ridder, A., & Glover, E. (1998). A Complete O (alpha alpha-s) calculation of the photon + 1 jet rate in e+ e- annihilation. Nuclear Physics B, B517, 269-323.
What does the W transverse momentum distribution say about the W + 1 jet / W + 0 jet ratio? (1998)
Journal Article
Glover, E., & Summers, D. (1998). What does the W transverse momentum distribution say about the W + 1 jet / W + 0 jet ratio?. Physics Letters B, B419, 363-368.
Jet investigations using the radial moment (1998)
Journal Article
Giele, W., Glover, E., & Kosower, D. A. (1998). Jet investigations using the radial moment. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, D57, 1878-1885.
Report of the working group on `W mass and QCD' (phenomenology workshop on LEP-2 physics, Oxford, April 1997) (1998)
Journal Article
Ballestrero, A., Charlton, D. G., Cowan, G., Dornan, P., & Edgecock, R. (1998). Report of the working group on `W mass and QCD' (phenomenology workshop on LEP-2 physics, Oxford, April 1997). Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, G24, 365-403.
Determination of the QCD Parameter Λ<SUP>\(5\)</SUP><SUB>MS¯</SUB> from the Measured Energy Dependence of the Average Value of 1 - Thrust (1998)
Journal Article
Campbell, J., Glover, E., & Maxwell, C. (1998). Determination of the QCD Parameter Λ\(5\)MS¯ from the Measured Energy Dependence of the Average Value of 1 - Thrust. Physical Review Letters, 81(8), 1568-1571.