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A chronicle of galaxy mass assembly in the EAGLE simulation (2016)
Journal Article
Qu, Y., Helly, J., Bower, R., Theuns, T., Crain, R., Frenk, C., …White, S. (2017). A chronicle of galaxy mass assembly in the EAGLE simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(2), 1659-1675.

We analyse the mass assembly of central galaxies in the Evolution and Assembly of Galaxies and their Environments (EAGLE) hydrodynamical simulations. We build merger trees to connect galaxies to their progenitors at different redshifts and characteri... Read More about A chronicle of galaxy mass assembly in the EAGLE simulation.

SWIFT: Using task-based parallelism, fully asynchronous communication, and graph partition-based domain decomposition for strong scaling on more than 100,000 cores (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schaller, M., Gonnet, P., Chalk, A. B., & Draper, P. W. (2016, June). SWIFT: Using task-based parallelism, fully asynchronous communication, and graph partition-based domain decomposition for strong scaling on more than 100,000 cores. Presented at PASC '16 Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland

We present a new open-source cosmological code, called SWIFT, designed to solve the equations of hydrodynamics using a particle-based approach (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) on hybrid shared / distributed-memory architectures. SWIFT was designed fro... Read More about SWIFT: Using task-based parallelism, fully asynchronous communication, and graph partition-based domain decomposition for strong scaling on more than 100,000 cores.

The low abundance and insignificance of dark discs in simulated Milky Way galaxies (2016)
Journal Article
Schaller, M., Frenk, C. S., Fattahi, A., Navarro, J. F., Oman, K. A., & Sawala, T. (2016). The low abundance and insignificance of dark discs in simulated Milky Way galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 461(1), L56-L61.

We investigate the presence and importance of dark matter discs in a sample of 24 simulated Milky Way galaxies in the apostle project, part of the eagle programme of hydrodynamic simulations in ΛCDM cosmology. It has been suggested that a dark disc i... Read More about The low abundance and insignificance of dark discs in simulated Milky Way galaxies.