Microslices and low-cost spectrographs for million element integral field spectrographs.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Content, R., Morris, S. L., & Dubbeldam, C. M. (2003, December). Microslices and low-cost spectrographs for million element integral field spectrographs. Presented at Specialized Optical Developments in Astronomy
Outputs (13)
Integral field unit for the Gemini near-infrared spectrograph. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dubbeldam, C. M., Content, R., Allington-Smith, J. R., Pokrovski, S., & Robertson, D. J. (2000, December). Integral field unit for the Gemini near-infrared spectrograph. Presented at Optical and IR Telescope Instrumentation and Detectors
Design and construction of the GNIRS IFU.
Journal Article
Dubbeldam, C. M. Design and construction of the GNIRS IFU. New Astronomy Reviews,