An association sequence suitable for producing ground-state RbCs molecules in optical lattices
Journal Article
Das, A., Gregory, P. D., Takekoshi, T., Fernley, L., Landini, M., Hutson, J. M., …Nägerl, H. (2023). An association sequence suitable for producing ground-state RbCs molecules in optical lattices. SciPost Physics, 15(6), Article 220.
Outputs (2)
Formation of Ultracold Molecules by Merging Optical Tweezers (2023)
Journal Article
Ruttley, D. K., Guttridge, A., Spence, S., Bird, R. C., Le Sueur, C. R., Hutson, J. M., & Cornish, S. L. (2023). Formation of Ultracold Molecules by Merging Optical Tweezers. Physical Review Letters, 130(22), demonstrate the formation of a single RbCs molecule during the merging of two optical tweezers, one containing a single Rb atom and the other a single Cs atom. Both atoms are initially predominantly in the motional ground states of their respectiv... Read More about Formation of Ultracold Molecules by Merging Optical Tweezers.