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Outputs (7)

Calculations for deep inelastic scattering using fast interpolation grid techniques at NNLO in QCD and the extraction of αs from HERA data (2019)
Journal Article
Britzger, D., Currie, J., Ridder, A. G.-D., Gehrmann, T., Glover, E., Gwenlan, C., Huss, A., Morgan, T., Niehues, J., Pires, J., Rabbertz, K., & Sutton, M. (2019). Calculations for deep inelastic scattering using fast interpolation grid techniques at NNLO in QCD and the extraction of αs from HERA data. The European Physical Journal C, 79(10), Article 845.

The extension of interpolation-grid frameworks for perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) is presented for deep inelastic scattering (DIS) processes. A fast and flexible evaluation of higher-order predictions for any a... Read More about Calculations for deep inelastic scattering using fast interpolation grid techniques at NNLO in QCD and the extraction of αs from HERA data.

Dijet production in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD (2018)
Journal Article
Britzger, D., Currie, J., Gehrmann, T., Huss, A., Niehues, J., & Žlebčík, R. (2018). Dijet production in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD. The European Physical Journal C, 78(7), Article 538.

Hard processes in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering can be described by a factorisation into parton-level subprocesses and diffractive parton distributions. In this framework, cross sections for inclusive dijet production in diffractive deep-inel... Read More about Dijet production in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD.

N3LO corrections to jet production in deep inelastic scattering using the Projection-to-Born method (2018)
Journal Article
Currie, J., Gehrmann, T., Glover, E., Huss, A., Niehues, J., & Vogt, A. (2018). N3LO corrections to jet production in deep inelastic scattering using the Projection-to-Born method. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(05), Article 209.

Computations of higher-order QCD corrections for processes with exclusive final states require a subtraction method for real-radiation contributions. We present the first-ever generalisation of a subtraction method for third-order (N3LO) QCD correcti... Read More about N3LO corrections to jet production in deep inelastic scattering using the Projection-to-Born method.

Determination of the strong coupling constant αs(mZ) in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD using H1 jet cross section measurements (2017)
Journal Article
Andreev, V., Baghdasaryan, A., Begzsuren, K., Belousov, A., Bertone, V., Bolz, A., …Zomer, F. (2017). Determination of the strong coupling constant αs(mZ) in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD using H1 jet cross section measurements. The European Physical Journal C, 77(11), Article 791.

The strong coupling constant αsαs is determined from inclusive jet and dijet cross sections in neutral-current deep-inelastic ep scattering (DIS) measured at HERA by the H1 collaboration using next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD predictions. The... Read More about Determination of the strong coupling constant αs(mZ) in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD using H1 jet cross section measurements.

NNLO QCD corrections to jet production in deep inelastic scattering (2017)
Journal Article
Currie, J., Gehrmann, T., Huss, A., & Niehues, J. (2017). NNLO QCD corrections to jet production in deep inelastic scattering. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(7), Article 18.

Hadronic jets in deeply inelastic electron-proton collisions are produced by the scattering of a parton from the proton with the virtual gauge boson mediating the interaction. The HERA experiments have performed precision measurements of inclusive si... Read More about NNLO QCD corrections to jet production in deep inelastic scattering.

Single Jet Inclusive Production for the Individual Jet pT Scale Choice at the LHC (2017)
Journal Article
Currie, J., Glover, E., Gehrmann, T., Gehrmann-de Ridder, A., Huss, A., & Pires, J. (2017). Single Jet Inclusive Production for the Individual Jet pT Scale Choice at the LHC. Acta Physica Polonica B, 48(6), 955-967.

We study the single jet inclusive cross section up to next-to-next-to leading order in perturbative QCD, implemented in the parton-level event generator NNLOJET. Our results are fully differential in the jet transverse momentum and rapidity, and we a... Read More about Single Jet Inclusive Production for the Individual Jet pT Scale Choice at the LHC.

Precise QCD Predictions for the Production of Dijet Final States in Deep Inelastic Scattering (2016)
Journal Article
Currie, J., Gehrmann, T., & Niehues, J. (2016). Precise QCD Predictions for the Production of Dijet Final States in Deep Inelastic Scattering. Physical Review Letters, 117(4), Article 042001.

The production of two-jet final states in deep inelastic scattering is an important QCD precision observable. We compute it for the first time to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in perturbative QCD. Our calculation is fully differential in the l... Read More about Precise QCD Predictions for the Production of Dijet Final States in Deep Inelastic Scattering.