A Detailed Study of Gas and Star Formation in a Highly Magnified Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 3.07
Journal Article
Coppin, K., Swinbank, A., Neri, R., Cox, P., Smail, I., Ellis, R., …Richard, J. (2007). A Detailed Study of Gas and Star Formation in a Highly Magnified Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 3.07. Astrophysical Journal, 665(2), 936-943. https://doi.org/10.1086/519789
We report the detection of CO(3-2) emission from a bright, gravitationally lensed Lyman Break galaxy, LBG J213512.73-010143 (the "Cosmic Eye"), at z = 3.07, using the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. This is only the second detection of molecular gas... Read More about A Detailed Study of Gas and Star Formation in a Highly Magnified Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 3.07.