Fundamental differences in the radio properties of red and blue quasars: enhanced compact AGN emission in red quasars
Journal Article
Fawcett, V., Alexander, D., Rosario, D., Klindt, L., Fotopoulou, S., Lusso, E., Morabito, L., & Calistro Rivera, G. (2020). Fundamental differences in the radio properties of red and blue quasars: enhanced compact AGN emission in red quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(4), 4802-4818.
We have recently used the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST) survey to show that red quasars have fundamentally different radio properties to typical blue quasars: a significant (factor ≈3) enhancement in the radio-detection... Read More about Fundamental differences in the radio properties of red and blue quasars: enhanced compact AGN emission in red quasars.