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Outputs (6)

Elastic scattering of a quantum matter-wave bright soliton on a barrier (2012)
Journal Article
Weiss, C., & Castin, Y. (2012). Elastic scattering of a quantum matter-wave bright soliton on a barrier. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45(45), Article 455306.

We consider a one-dimensional matter-wave bright soliton, corresponding to the ground bound state of N bosonic particles of mass m having a binary attractive delta potential interaction on the open line. For a full N-body quantum treatment, we derive... Read More about Elastic scattering of a quantum matter-wave bright soliton on a barrier.

Scattering bright solitons: Quantum versus mean-field behavior (2012)
Journal Article
Gertjerenken, B., Billam, T. P., Khaykovich, L., & Weiss, C. (2012). Scattering bright solitons: Quantum versus mean-field behavior. Physical Review A, 86(3), Article 033608.

We investigate scattering bright solitons off a potential using both analytical and numerical methods. Our paper focuses on low kinetic energies for which differences between the mean-field description via the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) and the... Read More about Scattering bright solitons: Quantum versus mean-field behavior.

Nonlocal quantum superpositions of bright matter-wave solitons and dimers (2012)
Journal Article
Gertjerenken, B., & Weiss, C. (2012). Nonlocal quantum superpositions of bright matter-wave solitons and dimers. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(16),

The scattering of bright quantum solitons at barrier potentials in one-dimensional geometries is investigated. Such protocols have been predicted to lead to the creation of nonlocal quantum superpositions. The centre-of-mass motion of these bright ma... Read More about Nonlocal quantum superpositions of bright matter-wave solitons and dimers.

Quantum theory of bright matter-wave solitons in harmonic confinement (2012)
Journal Article
Holdaway, D., Weiss, C., & Gardiner, S. (2012). Quantum theory of bright matter-wave solitons in harmonic confinement. Physical Review A, 85(5), Article 053618.

This paper investigates bright quantum-matter-wave solitons beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE). As proposals for interferometry and creating nonlocal quantum superpositions have been formed, it has become necessary to investigate effects not... Read More about Quantum theory of bright matter-wave solitons in harmonic confinement.

Fractional photon-assisted tunneling of ultra-cold atoms in periodically shaken double-well lattices (2012)
Journal Article
Esmann, M., Pritchard, J., & Weiss, C. (2012). Fractional photon-assisted tunneling of ultra-cold atoms in periodically shaken double-well lattices. Laser Physics Letters, 9(2),

Fractional photon-assisted tunneling is investigated both numerically and analytically in a double-well lattice. While integer photon-assisted tunneling is a single-particle effect, fractional photon-assisted tunneling is an interaction-induced many-... Read More about Fractional photon-assisted tunneling of ultra-cold atoms in periodically shaken double-well lattices.

Distinguishing mesoscopic quantum superpositions from statistical mixtures in periodically shaken double wells (2012)
Journal Article
Weiss, C. (2012). Distinguishing mesoscopic quantum superpositions from statistical mixtures in periodically shaken double wells. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(2),

For Bose–Einstein condensates in double wells, N-particle Rabi-like oscillations often seem to be damped. Far from being a decoherence effect, the apparent damping can indicate the emergence of quantum superpositions in the many-particle quantum dyna... Read More about Distinguishing mesoscopic quantum superpositions from statistical mixtures in periodically shaken double wells.