Comparison of Jc in GdBCO tape using Dc magnetisation and harmonic Ac susceptibility measurements
Journal Article
Smith, A., Surrey, E., Moon, S., & Hampshire, D. (2018). Comparison of Jc in GdBCO tape using Dc magnetisation and harmonic Ac susceptibility measurements. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(4), Article 6602704.
We have measured the critical current density (jc) of a sample of SuNAM HTS tape using Ac Susceptibility (ACS) and Dc Magnetisation (DCM) techniques. In DCM measurements, inhomogeneity in the applied Dc field (δB) causes a systematic underestimate of... Read More about Comparison of Jc in GdBCO tape using Dc magnetisation and harmonic Ac susceptibility measurements.