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Updated Bs -mixing constraints on new physics models for b→sℓ+ℓ− anomalies (2018)
Journal Article
Di Luzio, L., Kirk, M., & Lenz, A. (2018). Updated Bs -mixing constraints on new physics models for b→sℓ+ℓ− anomalies. Physical Review D, 97(9), Article 095035.

Many new physics models that explain the intriguing anomalies in the b-quark flavor sector are severely constrained by Bs mixing, for which the Standard Model prediction and experiment agreed well until recently. The most recent Flavour Lattice Avera... Read More about Updated Bs -mixing constraints on new physics models for b→sℓ+ℓ− anomalies.

Charming new physics in rare B decays and mixing? (2018)
Journal Article
Jäger, S., Leslie, K., Kirk, M., & Lenz, A. (2018). Charming new physics in rare B decays and mixing?. Physical Review D, 97(1), Article 015021.

We conduct a systematic study of the impact of new physics in quark-level b → ccs¯ transitions on B physics, in particular rare B decays and B-meson lifetime observables. We find viable scenarios where a sizable effect in rare semileptonic B decays c... Read More about Charming new physics in rare B decays and mixing?.

Double-charming Higgs boson identification using machine-learning assisted jet shapes (2018)
Journal Article
Lenz, A., Spannowsky, M., & Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi, G. (2018). Double-charming Higgs boson identification using machine-learning assisted jet shapes. Physical Review D, 97(1), Article 016001.

We study the possibility of identifying a boosted resonance that decays into a charm pair against different sources of background using QCD event shapes, which are promoted to jet shapes. Using a set of jet shapes as input to a boosted decision tree,... Read More about Double-charming Higgs boson identification using machine-learning assisted jet shapes.