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Measuring Disability in Consumers of mental health services – psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) in Ghana (2021)
Journal Article
Badu, E., Mitchell, R., O’Brien, A., Osei, A., & Rubin, M. (2021). Measuring Disability in Consumers of mental health services – psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) in Ghana. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 30(5), 1274-1288.

A decade of theory as reflected in Psychological Science (2009–2019) (2021)
Journal Article
McPhetres, J., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Barbosa Mendes, A., Chow, E. C., Gonzalez-Marquez, P., Loukras, E., Maus, A., O’Mahony, A., Pomareda, C., Primbs, M. A., Sackman, S. L., Smithson, C. J., & Volodko, K. (2021). A decade of theory as reflected in Psychological Science (2009–2019). PLoS ONE, 16(3), Article e0247986.

The dominant belief is that science progresses by testing theories and moving towards theoretical consensus. While it’s implicitly assumed that psychology operates in this manner, critical discussions claim that the field suffers from a lack of cumul... Read More about A decade of theory as reflected in Psychological Science (2009–2019).

Item-specific overlap between hallucinatory experiences and cognition in the general population: A three-step multivariate analysis of international multi-site data (2021)
Journal Article
Chinchani, A. M., Menon, M., Roes, M., Hwang, H., Allen, P., Bell, V., Bless, J., Bortolon, C., Cella, M., Fernyhough, C., Garrison, J., Kozáková, E., Larøi, F., Moffatt, J., Say, N., Suzuki, M., Toh, W. L., Zaytseva, Y., Rossell, S. L., Moseley, P., & Woodward, T. S. (2021). Item-specific overlap between hallucinatory experiences and cognition in the general population: A three-step multivariate analysis of international multi-site data. Cortex, 145, 131 - 144.

Hallucinatory experiences (HEs) can be pronounced in psychosis, but similar experiences also occur in nonclinical populations. Cognitive mechanisms hypothesized to underpin HEs include dysfunctional source monitoring, heightened signal detection, and... Read More about Item-specific overlap between hallucinatory experiences and cognition in the general population: A three-step multivariate analysis of international multi-site data.

Why do chimpanzees have diverse behavioral repertoires yet lack more complex cultures? Invention and social information use in a cumulative task (2021)
Journal Article
Vale, G. L., McGuigan, N., Burdett, E., Lambeth, S. P., Lucas, A., Rawlings, B., Schapiro, S. J., Watson, S. K., & Whiten, A. (2021). Why do chimpanzees have diverse behavioral repertoires yet lack more complex cultures? Invention and social information use in a cumulative task. Evolution and Human Behavior, 42(3),