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Subcomponents of visuospatial working memory: Investigating the importance of order in sequential recall and its relationship with mathematics performance (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Allen, K. (2019, December). Subcomponents of visuospatial working memory: Investigating the importance of order in sequential recall and its relationship with mathematics performance. Presented at Imagining Better Education, Durham, England

Visuospatial working memory (VSWM) is responsible for storing and manipulating visual and spatial information. Its predictive relationship with mathematics performance in children is well known, especially in younger children. Research has so far not... Read More about Subcomponents of visuospatial working memory: Investigating the importance of order in sequential recall and its relationship with mathematics performance.

Cross-Cultural Validation of the Perceptions of Stigmatization by Others for Seeking Help (PSOSH) Scale (2019)
Journal Article
Vogel, D. L., Heath, P. J., Engel, K. E., Brenner, R. E., Strass, H. A., Armstrong, P. I., Galbraith, V., Gonçalves, M., Mackenzie, C., Rubin, M., Wang, Y. F., Al-Darmaki, F. R., Galbraith, N., Baptista, M. N., Liao, H. Y., Mak, W. W., Topkaya, N., & Zlati, A. (2019). Cross-Cultural Validation of the Perceptions of Stigmatization by Others for Seeking Help (PSOSH) Scale. Stigma and Health, 4(1), 82-85.

Social network stigma refers to the perceived negative views about seeking help for mental health problems that are held by those closest to an individual, such as family and friends. This form of stigma predicts help-seeking attitudes and intentions... Read More about Cross-Cultural Validation of the Perceptions of Stigmatization by Others for Seeking Help (PSOSH) Scale.

Acceptability and feasibility pilot randomised controlled trial of medical skin camouflage for recovery of women prisoners with self-harm scarring (COVER): The study protocol (2019)
Journal Article
Mitchell, H., Abel, K. M., Dunlop, B. J., Walker, T., Ranote, S., Robinson, L., Edgar, F., Millington, T., Meacock, R., Shaw, J., & Gutridge, K. (2019). Acceptability and feasibility pilot randomised controlled trial of medical skin camouflage for recovery of women prisoners with self-harm scarring (COVER): The study protocol. BMJ Open, 9(1), Article e021891.

Introduction Self-harm in prison is a major public health concern. Less than 5% of UK prisoners are women, but they carry out more than a fifth of prison self-harm. Scars resulting from self-harm can be traumatising and stigmatising, yet there has be... Read More about Acceptability and feasibility pilot randomised controlled trial of medical skin camouflage for recovery of women prisoners with self-harm scarring (COVER): The study protocol.