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Display probability modulates attentional capture by onset distractors. (2010)
Journal Article
Sayim, B., Grubert, A., Herzog, M., & Krummenacher, J. (2010). Display probability modulates attentional capture by onset distractors. Journal of Vision, 10(3), 1-8.

Attention can be stimulus-driven and bottom-up or goal-driven and top-down. Bottom-up attention and, particularly, attentional capture are often thought to be strongly automatic, i.e., not modulable. For example, in visual search, it has been shown t... Read More about Display probability modulates attentional capture by onset distractors..

Are people special? A brain’s eye view. (2010)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, A., Heberlein, A., & Adolphs, R. (2010). Are people special? A brain’s eye view. In R. Adams Jr., N. Ambady, K. Nakayama, & S. Shimojo (Eds.), The science of social vision (363-392). Oxford University Press

Introduction: In this chapter our focus will be on people as visual stimuli, that is, objects that have a certain appearance and that move in a certain way, and whose said visual properties we can use as the basis for attributing the states and trait... Read More about Are people special? A brain’s eye view..