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Outputs (77)

Temporal cognition in children with autistic spectrum disorders: Tests of diachronic perspective taking (2007)
Journal Article
Boucher, J., Pons, F., Williams, D., & Lind, S. (2007). Temporal cognition in children with autistic spectrum disorders: Tests of diachronic perspective taking. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(8), 1413-1429.

Impaired diachronic thinking—(the propensity and capacity to think about events spreading across time)—was demonstrated in a 2-Phase study in which children with autism were compared with age and ability matched controls. Identical tests of diachroni... Read More about Temporal cognition in children with autistic spectrum disorders: Tests of diachronic perspective taking.

Enhanced probe discrimination at the location of a colour singleton (2007)
Journal Article
Smith, D., & Schenk, T. (2007). Enhanced probe discrimination at the location of a colour singleton. Experimental Brain Research, 181(2), 367-375.

There is ample evidence to suggest that preparing to saccade to a location is sufficient to produce attentional shifts to this location. However, it is not clear whether engagement of the eye-movement system is also a necessary condition for any spat... Read More about Enhanced probe discrimination at the location of a colour singleton.

The reliability, stability, and predictive utility of the self-report version of the Antisocial Process Screening Device (2007)
Journal Article
Muñoz, L. C., & Frick, P. J. (2007). The reliability, stability, and predictive utility of the self-report version of the Antisocial Process Screening Device. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 48(4), 299-312.

The psychometric properties of the self-report version of the Antisocial Processes Screening Device (APSD; Frick & Hare, 2001), a rating scale developed to assess traits associated with the construct of psychopathy in youth, was tested in a sample of... Read More about The reliability, stability, and predictive utility of the self-report version of the Antisocial Process Screening Device.

Evidence for distinct contributions of form and motion information to the recognition of emotions from body gestures (2007)
Journal Article
Atkinson, A., Tunstall, M., & Dittrich, W. (2007). Evidence for distinct contributions of form and motion information to the recognition of emotions from body gestures. Cognition, 104(1), 59-72.

The importance of kinematics in emotion perception from body movement has been widely demonstrated. Evidence also suggests that the perception of biological motion relies to some extent on information about spatial and spatiotemporal form, yet the co... Read More about Evidence for distinct contributions of form and motion information to the recognition of emotions from body gestures.

Father-daughter relationship as a moderator of sexual imprinting: a facialmetric study (2007)
Journal Article
Wiszewska, A., Pawlowski, B., & Boothroyd, L. (2007). Father-daughter relationship as a moderator of sexual imprinting: a facialmetric study. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28(4), 248-252.

This study investigated sexual imprinting in human females. Facial proportions of fathers were compared to the proportions of stimulus faces the participants found attractive. Women who rated their childhood relationships with their father highly sho... Read More about Father-daughter relationship as a moderator of sexual imprinting: a facialmetric study.

fMRI delineation of working memory for emotional prosody in the brain: Commonalities with the lexico-semantic emotion network (2007)
Journal Article
Mitchell, R. (2007). fMRI delineation of working memory for emotional prosody in the brain: Commonalities with the lexico-semantic emotion network. NeuroImage, 36(3), 1015-1025.

Decoding emotional prosody is crucial for successful social interactions, and continuous monitoring of emotional intent via prosody requires working memory. It has been proposed by Ross and others that emotional prosody cognitions in the right hemisp... Read More about fMRI delineation of working memory for emotional prosody in the brain: Commonalities with the lexico-semantic emotion network.

Prospects for a cognitive-developmental account of psychotic experiences. (2007)
Journal Article
Bentall, R., Fernyhough, C., Morrison, A., Lewis, S., & Corcoran, R. (2007). Prospects for a cognitive-developmental account of psychotic experiences. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 46(2), 155-173.

Purpose It has recently been recognized that psychosis represents the end-point of abnormal developmental pathways. The neurodevelopmental framework, within which this observation has typically been interpreted, has a number of limitations, particula... Read More about Prospects for a cognitive-developmental account of psychotic experiences..

Preschoolers’ understanding of multiple orientations to reality: The Adjectives task. (2007)
Journal Article
Meins, E., & Fernyhough, C. (2007). Preschoolers’ understanding of multiple orientations to reality: The Adjectives task. Cognitive Development, 22(2), 289-297.

Preschoolers’ understanding that an object can be accurately described using two different non-synonymous words was investigated using a task in which children (N = 36) had to judge which of two animals had provided correct adjectival labels for a se... Read More about Preschoolers’ understanding of multiple orientations to reality: The Adjectives task..

Do development and learning really decrease memory? On similarity and category-based induction in adults and children (2007)
Journal Article
Wilburn, C., & Feeney, A. (2008). Do development and learning really decrease memory? On similarity and category-based induction in adults and children. Cognition, 106(3), 1451-1464.

In a recently published study, Sloutsky and Fisher [Sloutsky, V. M., & Fisher, A.V. (2004a). When development and learning decrease memory: Evidence against category-based induction in children. Psychological Science, 15, 553–558; Sloutsky, V. M., &... Read More about Do development and learning really decrease memory? On similarity and category-based induction in adults and children.