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Outputs (61)

Hirnstrukturelle und hirnphysiologische Besonderheiten der Frau. (2005)
Book Chapter
Hausmann, M. (2005). Hirnstrukturelle und hirnphysiologische Besonderheiten der Frau. In A. Riecher-Rössler, & J. Bitzer (Eds.), Frauengesundheit - Ein praktischer Leitfaden für Ärzte und Psychotherapeuten (62-71). Urban and Fischer

Visual emotion perception: Mechanisms and processes (2005)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, A., & Adolphs, A. (2005). Visual emotion perception: Mechanisms and processes. In L. Barrett, P. Niedenthal, & P. Winkielman (Eds.) (Eds.), Emotion and consciousness (pp. 150-182). Guilford Press

From the Introduction: Perceiving and interpreting other people’s emotional states is essential for effective social interaction. Its very importance is likely to have resulted in the evolution of complex mechanisms that underlie it. A basic capacity... Read More about Visual emotion perception: Mechanisms and processes.

What is social cognitive neuroscience (SCN)? (2005)
Book Chapter
Emery, N., & Easton, A. (2005). What is social cognitive neuroscience (SCN)?. In A. Easton, & N. Emery (Eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Social Behaviour (1-16). Psychology Press

Staring at the back of someone's head is no signal, and a sense of being stared at is no sense (2005)
Journal Article
Atkinson, A. (2005). Staring at the back of someone's head is no signal, and a sense of being stared at is no sense. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12(6), 50-56

The first of Sheldrake’s twin articles in this edition of the Journal of Consciousness Studies presents the case for the existence of a ‘sense of being stared at’, which is purported to be a capacity to discriminate at above chance levels between bei... Read More about Staring at the back of someone's head is no signal, and a sense of being stared at is no sense.