Behavioural flexibility, social learning and the frontal cortex
Book Chapter
Easton, A. (2005). Behavioural flexibility, social learning and the frontal cortex. In A. Easton, & N. Emery (Eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Social Behaviour (59-79). Psychology Press
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Hirnstrukturelle und hirnphysiologische Besonderheiten der Frau. (2005)
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Hausmann, M. (2005). Hirnstrukturelle und hirnphysiologische Besonderheiten der Frau. In A. Riecher-Rössler, & J. Bitzer (Eds.), Frauengesundheit - Ein praktischer Leitfaden für Ärzte und Psychotherapeuten (62-71). Urban and Fischer
Visual emotion perception: Mechanisms and processes (2005)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, A., & Adolphs, A. (2005). Visual emotion perception: Mechanisms and processes. In L. Barrett, P. Niedenthal, & P. Winkielman (Eds.) (Eds.), Emotion and consciousness (pp. 150-182). Guilford PressFrom the Introduction: Perceiving and interpreting other people’s emotional states is essential for effective social interaction. Its very importance is likely to have resulted in the evolution of complex mechanisms that underlie it. A basic capacity... Read More about Visual emotion perception: Mechanisms and processes.
What is social cognitive neuroscience (SCN)? (2005)
Book Chapter
Emery, N., & Easton, A. (2005). What is social cognitive neuroscience (SCN)?. In A. Easton, & N. Emery (Eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Social Behaviour (1-16). Psychology Press
Spatial representations and attentional systems for action in the parietal cortex. (2005)
Book Chapter
Rushworth, M., & Ellison, A. (2005). Spatial representations and attentional systems for action in the parietal cortex. In G. Humphreys, & M. Riddoch (Eds.), Attention in Action; Advances from Cognitive Neuroscience (233-262). Psychology Press
Testing the internal consistency of the lottery equivalents method using health outcomes: A comment to Oliver. (2005)
Journal Article
Spencer, A., Covey, J., Chilton, S., & Taylor, M. (2005). Testing the internal consistency of the lottery equivalents method using health outcomes: A comment to Oliver. Health Economics, 14(2), 161-167
Staring at the back of someone's head is no signal, and a sense of being stared at is no sense (2005)
Journal Article
Atkinson, A. (2005). Staring at the back of someone's head is no signal, and a sense of being stared at is no sense. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12(6), 50-56The first of Sheldrake’s twin articles in this edition of the Journal of Consciousness Studies presents the case for the existence of a ‘sense of being stared at’, which is purported to be a capacity to discriminate at above chance levels between bei... Read More about Staring at the back of someone's head is no signal, and a sense of being stared at is no sense.
What is internalised? Dialogic cognitive representations and the mediated mind (Commentary on Tomasello et al.). (2005)
Journal Article
Fernyhough, C. (2005). What is internalised? Dialogic cognitive representations and the mediated mind (Commentary on Tomasello et al.). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 698-699.
The role of prefrontal cortex in object-in-place learning in monkeys (2005)
Journal Article
Browning, P., Easton, A., Buckley, M., & Gaffan, D. (2005). The role of prefrontal cortex in object-in-place learning in monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience, 22, 3281-3291.
Reduced efficiency in recognising fear in subjects scoring high on psychopathic personality characteristics (2005)
Journal Article
Montagne, B., van Honk, J., Kessels, R., Frigerio, E., Burt, M., van Zandvoort, M., …de Haan, E. (2005). Reduced efficiency in recognising fear in subjects scoring high on psychopathic personality characteristics. Personality and Individual Differences, 38, 5-11