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Failure to thrive in the term and preterm infants of mothers depressed in the postnatal period: a population-based birth cohort study (2004)
Journal Article
Drewett, R., Blair, P., Emmett, P., Emond, A., & team, T. A. S. (2004). Failure to thrive in the term and preterm infants of mothers depressed in the postnatal period: a population-based birth cohort study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45(2), 359-366.

Aims: To examine the relationship between failure to thrive in preterm and term infants and postnatal depression in their mothers. Method: In a whole population birth cohort of 12,391 infants (excluding those born after term or with major congenital... Read More about Failure to thrive in the term and preterm infants of mothers depressed in the postnatal period: a population-based birth cohort study.

Integrated memory for object, place and context in rats: a possible model of episodic-like memory? (2004)
Journal Article
Eacott, M., & Norman, G. (2004). Integrated memory for object, place and context in rats: a possible model of episodic-like memory?. Journal of Neuroscience, 24(8), 1948-1953.

We report an investigation into memory for an object, its spatial location, and the context in which it appeared in rats. A novel task based on the spontaneous recognition paradigm is presented that requires memory for these three aspects. This task... Read More about Integrated memory for object, place and context in rats: a possible model of episodic-like memory?.

Spatial attention speeds discrimination without awareness in blindsight. (2004)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R. W., Heywood, C. A., & Weiskrantz, L. (2004). Spatial attention speeds discrimination without awareness in blindsight. Neuropsychologia, 42(6), 831-835.

An intimate relationship is often assumed between visual attention and visual awareness. Using a subject, patient GY, with the neurological condition of ‘blindsight’ we show that although attention may be a necessary precursor to visual awareness it... Read More about Spatial attention speeds discrimination without awareness in blindsight..

Avoidance of obstacles in the absence of visual awareness (2004)
Journal Article
McIntosh, R. D., McClements, K. I., Schindler, I., Cassidy, T. .., Birchall, D., & Milner, A. D. (2004). Avoidance of obstacles in the absence of visual awareness. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 271(1534), 15-20.

The spatial character of our reaching movements is extremely sensitive to potential obstacles in the workspace. We recently found that this sensitivity was retained by most patients with left visual neglect when reaching between two objects, despite... Read More about Avoidance of obstacles in the absence of visual awareness.

Impaired object recognition with increasing levels of feature ambiguity in rats with perirhinal cortex lesions (2004)
Journal Article
Norman, G., & Eacott, M. (2004). Impaired object recognition with increasing levels of feature ambiguity in rats with perirhinal cortex lesions. Behavioural Brain Research, 148(1-2), 79-91.

It has been proposed that the perirhinal cortex is involved in the representation of the characteristics of objects. In particular it has been proposed that it is critical for discriminating between stimuli which have some features in common and thus... Read More about Impaired object recognition with increasing levels of feature ambiguity in rats with perirhinal cortex lesions.

The use of time base lag sequential analysis to look at the relationship between environmental events and challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities (2004)
Journal Article
Whitaker, S., Walker, T., & McNally, C. (2004). The use of time base lag sequential analysis to look at the relationship between environmental events and challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 32(1), 67-76.

Although low frequency challenging behaviour (that which occurs less than once a day) is common, very little research has been done into its analysis or treatment. It is suggested that the methods of analysing high frequency challenging behaviour, su... Read More about The use of time base lag sequential analysis to look at the relationship between environmental events and challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities.

Orthographic familiarity influences initial eye fixation positions in reading (2004)
Journal Article
Liversedge, S., & White, S. (2004). Orthographic familiarity influences initial eye fixation positions in reading. European journal of cognitive psychology, 16(1-2), 52 - 78.

An important issue in the understanding of eye movements in reading is what kind of nonfoveal information can influence where we move our eyes. In Experiment 1, first fixation landing positions were nearer the beginning of misspelled words. Experimen... Read More about Orthographic familiarity influences initial eye fixation positions in reading.