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Outputs (58)

Valuing the 'value' of life: A case of constructed preferences? (2004)
Book Chapter
Chilton, S., Covey, J., Hopkins, L., & et al. (2004). Valuing the 'value' of life: A case of constructed preferences?. In Z. Todd, B. Nerlich, S. McKeown, & D. Clark (Eds.), Mixing Methods in Psychology. The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice. Psychology Press

Wie Sexualhormone unser Denken beeinflussen. (2004)
Book Chapter
Hausmann, M., & Sänger, J. (2004). Wie Sexualhormone unser Denken beeinflussen. In C. Quaiser-Pohl, & K. Jordan (Eds.), Warum Frauen glauben, Sie könnten nicht einparken und Männer ihnen Recht geben - Über Schwächen, die gar keine sind. Eine Antwort auf A. & B. Pease (56-70). Verlag C. H. Beck

Differential reward outcome learning in adult humans (2004)
Journal Article
Easton, A. (2004). Differential reward outcome learning in adult humans. Behavioural Brain Research, 154, 165-169.

Differential reward outcome learning provides a unique reward outcome for each condition of a conditional discrimination task, and this increases the rate at which these tasks can be learned. The present experiment aims to show that irrespective of a... Read More about Differential reward outcome learning in adult humans.