Dissipative structures and self-organizing criticality in neural networks with spatially localized connectivity.
Book Chapter
Kentridge, R. (1993). Dissipative structures and self-organizing criticality in neural networks with spatially localized connectivity. In F. Eeckman, & J. Bower (Eds.), Computation and Neural Systems (531-535). Springer Nature [academic journals on nature.com]. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-3254-5_80
Outputs (9)
Quests for Interdisciplinarity: The Rhetorical Constitution of Social Psychology (1993)
Book Chapter
Good, J. (1993). Quests for Interdisciplinarity: The Rhetorical Constitution of Social Psychology. In R. Roberts, & J. Good (Eds.), The Recovery of Rhetoric: Persuasive Discourse and Disciplinarity in the Human Sciences. The Bristol Press/University of Virginia Press
Do right-handed cricketers live longer? (1993)
Ferguson, M., Neave, N., Kentridge, R., & Aggleton, J. (1993). Do right-handed cricketers live longer?
What's lost in inverted faces? (1993)
Journal Article
Rhodes, G., Brake, S., & Atkinson, A. (1993). What's lost in inverted faces?. Cognition, 47(1), 25-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/0010-0277%2893%2990061-yDisproportionate inversion decrements for recognizing faces and other homogeneous stimuli are often interpreted as evidence that experts use relational features to recognize stimuli that share a configuration. However, it has never directly been show... Read More about What's lost in inverted faces?.
Cognition, chaos and non-deterministic symbolic computation: The Chinese Room problem solved? (1993)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R. (1993). Cognition, chaos and non-deterministic symbolic computation: The Chinese Room problem solved?. Think, 2 (June), 44-47
Changes in Cis Z -Flupentixol-induced dopamine blockade produce contrast effects in rats. (1993)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R., & Aggleton, J. (1993). Changes in Cis Z -Flupentixol-induced dopamine blockade produce contrast effects in rats
Evidence for longevity differences between left handed right handed men: An archival study of cricketers. (1993)
Journal Article
Aggleton, J., Kentridge, R., & Neave, N. (1993). Evidence for longevity differences between left handed right handed men: An archival study of cricketers
The Recovery of Rhetoric: Persuasive Discourse and Disciplinarity in the Human Sciences (1993)
Roberts, R., & Good, J. (Eds.). (1993). The Recovery of Rhetoric: Persuasive Discourse and Disciplinarity in the Human Sciences. The Bristol Press/University of Virginia Press
Persuasive Discourse in and Between Disciplines in the Human Sciences (1993)
Book Chapter
Good, J. (1993). Persuasive Discourse in and Between Disciplines in the Human Sciences. In R. H. Roberts, & J. M. M. Good (Eds.), The Recovery of Rhetoric: Persuaive Discourse and Discipinarity in the Human Sciences (1-21). The Bristol Press