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Outputs (2)

The BOLD response during Stroop task-like inhibition paradigms: Effects of task difficulty and task-relevant modality (2005)
Journal Article
Mitchell, R. (2005). The BOLD response during Stroop task-like inhibition paradigms: Effects of task difficulty and task-relevant modality. Brain and Cognition, 59(1), 23-37.

Previous studies of the Stroop task propose two key mediators: the prefrontal and cingulate cortices but hints exist of functional specialization within these regions. This study aimed to examine the effect of task modality upon the prefrontal and ci... Read More about The BOLD response during Stroop task-like inhibition paradigms: Effects of task difficulty and task-relevant modality.

Right hemisphere language functions and schizophrenia: the forgotten hemisphere? (2005)
Journal Article
Mitchell, R., & Crow, T. (2005). Right hemisphere language functions and schizophrenia: the forgotten hemisphere?. Brain, 128(5), 963-978.

This review highlights the importance of right hemisphere language functions for successful social communication and advances the hypothesis that the core deficit in psychosis is a failure of segregation of right from left hemisphere functions. Lesio... Read More about Right hemisphere language functions and schizophrenia: the forgotten hemisphere?.