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Age-Related Changes in Perirhinal Cortex Sensitivity to Configuration and Part Familiarity and Connectivity to Visual Cortex (2017)
Journal Article
Cacciamani, L., Wager, E., Peterson, M. A., & Scalf, P. E. (2017). Age-Related Changes in Perirhinal Cortex Sensitivity to Configuration and Part Familiarity and Connectivity to Visual Cortex. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, Article 291.

The perirhinal cortex (PRC) is a medial temporal lobe (MTL) structure known to be involved in assessing whether an object is familiar (i.e., meaningful) or novel. Recent evidence shows that the PRC is sensitive to the familiarity of both whole object... Read More about Age-Related Changes in Perirhinal Cortex Sensitivity to Configuration and Part Familiarity and Connectivity to Visual Cortex.

Brain correlates of memory reconsolidation: A role for the TPJ (2017)
Journal Article
Simon, K., Gómez, R., Nadel, L., & Scalf, P. (2017). Brain correlates of memory reconsolidation: A role for the TPJ. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 142(Part A), 154-161.

In this paper, we investigate the process by which new experiences reactivate and potentially update old memories. Such memory reconsolidation appears dependent on the extent to which current experience deviates from what is predicted by the reactiva... Read More about Brain correlates of memory reconsolidation: A role for the TPJ.

On the Seasonal Occurrence and Abundance of the Zika Virus Vector Mosquito Aedes Aegypti in the Contiguous United States (2016)
Journal Article
Monaghan, A. J., Morin, C. W., Steinhoff, D. F., Wilhelmi, O., Hayden, M., Quattrochi, D. A., Reiskind, M., Lloyd, A. L., Smith, K., Schmidt, C. A., Scalf, P. E., & Ernst, K. (online). On the Seasonal Occurrence and Abundance of the Zika Virus Vector Mosquito Aedes Aegypti in the Contiguous United States. PLoS currents,

Introduction: An ongoing Zika virus pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean has raised concerns that travel-related introduction of Zika virus could initiate local transmission in the United States (U.S.) by its primary vector, the mosquito Aedes... Read More about On the Seasonal Occurrence and Abundance of the Zika Virus Vector Mosquito Aedes Aegypti in the Contiguous United States.

Neural evidence for competition-mediated suppression in the perception of a single object (2015)
Journal Article
Cacciamani, L., Scalf, P., & Peterson, M. (2015). Neural evidence for competition-mediated suppression in the perception of a single object. Cortex, 72, 124-139.

Multiple objects compete for representation in visual cortex. Competition may also underlie the perception of a single object. Computational models implement object perception as competition between units on opposite sides of a border. The border is... Read More about Neural evidence for competition-mediated suppression in the perception of a single object.

Trial History Effects in the Ventral Attentional Network (2014)
Journal Article
Scalf, P., Ahn, J., Beck, D., & Lleras, A. (2014). Trial History Effects in the Ventral Attentional Network. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(12), 2789-2797.

The ventral attentional network (VAN) is thought to drive “stimulus driven attention” [e.g., Asplund, C. L., Todd, J. J., Snyder, A. P., & Marois, R. A central role for the lateral prefrontal cortex in goal-directed and stimulus-driven attention. Nat... Read More about Trial History Effects in the Ventral Attentional Network.