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Outputs (21)

Participant permanence: Exploring and enhancing experiences of research involvement in UK adults with vision impairment through an Online Participant Engagement Network (OPEN) (2024)
Journal Article
Roberts-Mills, W. M. C., Richardson, M., Scheller, M., Tavoulari, A., Proulx, M. J., & de Sousa, A. A. (online). Participant permanence: Exploring and enhancing experiences of research involvement in UK adults with vision impairment through an Online Participant Engagement Network (OPEN). British Journal of Visual Impairment,

For individuals with vision impairment (VI), there can be physical and technical barriers to participating in research and accessing research outputs. As a result, researchers often target smaller VI samples and individuals with VI are left under-inv... Read More about Participant permanence: Exploring and enhancing experiences of research involvement in UK adults with vision impairment through an Online Participant Engagement Network (OPEN).

Thinking on your feet: potentially enhancing phylogenetic tree learning accessibility through a kinaesthetic approach (2024)
Journal Article
Laurentino, T. G., Scheller, M., Glover, G., Proulx, M. J., & de Sousa, A. A. (2024). Thinking on your feet: potentially enhancing phylogenetic tree learning accessibility through a kinaesthetic approach. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 17(1), Article 19.

Background: Phylogenetics is one of the main methodologies to understand cross-cutting principles of evolution, such as common ancestry and speciation. Phylogenetic trees, however, are reportedly challenging to teach and learn. Furthermore, phylogene... Read More about Thinking on your feet: potentially enhancing phylogenetic tree learning accessibility through a kinaesthetic approach.

Towards Human Sensory Augmentation: A Cognitive Neuroscience Framework for Evaluating Integration of New Signals within Perception, Brain Representations, and Subjective Experience (2024)
Journal Article
Nardini, M., Scheller, M., Ramsay, M., Kristiansen, O., & Allen, C. (2025). Towards Human Sensory Augmentation: A Cognitive Neuroscience Framework for Evaluating Integration of New Signals within Perception, Brain Representations, and Subjective Experience. Augmented Human Research, 10(1), Article 1.

New wearable devices and technologies provide unprecedented scope to augment or substitute human perceptual abilities. However, the flexibility to reorganize brain processing to use novel sensory signals during early sensitive periods in infancy is m... Read More about Towards Human Sensory Augmentation: A Cognitive Neuroscience Framework for Evaluating Integration of New Signals within Perception, Brain Representations, and Subjective Experience.

Self-association enhances early attentional selection through automatic prioritization of socially salient signals (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Scheller, M., Tünnermann, J., Fredriksson, K., Fang, H., & Sui, J. (2024). Self-association enhances early attentional selection through automatic prioritization of socially salient signals

Efficiently processing self-related information is critical for cognition, yet the earliest mechanisms enabling this self-prioritization remain unclear. By combining a temporal order judgement task with computational modelling based on the Theory of... Read More about Self-association enhances early attentional selection through automatic prioritization of socially salient signals.

Sociocultural Pressures, Internalization, and Body Esteem in Congenitally Blind, Late-Blind, and Sighted Men and Women (2024)
Journal Article
Dell’Erba, S., Scheller, M., de Sousa, A. A., & Proulx, M. J. (2024). Sociocultural Pressures, Internalization, and Body Esteem in Congenitally Blind, Late-Blind, and Sighted Men and Women. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 18(2), 73-84.

Visual experience has a substantial effect on how individuals construct a template of their own bodies in space. Whether the absence of total or partial visual exposure in individuals of both genders allows the buffering of harmful ef... Read More about Sociocultural Pressures, Internalization, and Body Esteem in Congenitally Blind, Late-Blind, and Sighted Men and Women.

Potential factors contributing to observed sex differences in virtual-reality-induced sickness. (2024)
Journal Article
Bannigan, G. M., de Sousa, A. A., Scheller, M., Finnegan, D. J., & Proulx, M. J. (2024). Potential factors contributing to observed sex differences in virtual-reality-induced sickness. Experimental Brain Research, 242, 463-475.

Virtual reality (VR) technology has been widely adopted for several professional and recreational applications. Despite rapid innovation in hardware and software, one of the long prevailing issues for end users of VR is the experience of VR sickness.... Read More about Potential factors contributing to observed sex differences in virtual-reality-induced sickness..

Self as a prior: The malleability of Bayesian multisensory integration to social salience (2023)
Journal Article
Scheller, M., Fang, H., & Sui, J. (2024). Self as a prior: The malleability of Bayesian multisensory integration to social salience. British Journal of Psychology, 115(2), 185-205.

Our everyday perceptual experiences are grounded in the integration of information within and across our senses. Due to this direct behavioural relevance, cross-modal integration retains a certain degree of contextual flexibility, even to social rele... Read More about Self as a prior: The malleability of Bayesian multisensory integration to social salience.

Correctly establishing evidence for cue combination via gains in sensory precision: Why the choice of comparator matters (2023)
Journal Article
Scheller, M., & Nardini, M. (2024). Correctly establishing evidence for cue combination via gains in sensory precision: Why the choice of comparator matters. Behavior Research Methods, 56(4), 2842-2858.

Studying how sensory signals from different sources (sensory cues) are integrated within or across multiple senses allows us to better understand the perceptual computations that lie at the foundation of adaptive behaviour. As such, determining the p... Read More about Correctly establishing evidence for cue combination via gains in sensory precision: Why the choice of comparator matters.

The Role of Sexual and Romantic Attraction in Human Mate Preferences (2023)
Journal Article
Scheller, M., de Sousa, A. A., Brotto, L. A., & Little, A. C. (2024). The Role of Sexual and Romantic Attraction in Human Mate Preferences. The Journal of Sex Research, 299-312.

Sex differences in mate preferences are ubiquitous, having been evidenced across generations and cultures. Their prevalence and persistence have compellingly placed them in the evolutionarily adaptive context of sexual selection. However, the psycho-... Read More about The Role of Sexual and Romantic Attraction in Human Mate Preferences.