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Feeling socially powerless makes you more prone to bumping into things on the right and induces leftward line bisection error (2010)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, D., Guinote, A., Weick, M., Molinari, R., & Graham, K. (2010). Feeling socially powerless makes you more prone to bumping into things on the right and induces leftward line bisection error. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 17(6), 910-914.

Social power affects the manner in which people view themselves and act toward others, a finding that has attracted broad interest from the social and political sciences. However, there has been little interest from those within cognitive neuroscienc... Read More about Feeling socially powerless makes you more prone to bumping into things on the right and induces leftward line bisection error.

How long will it take? Power biases time predictions (2010)
Journal Article
Weick, M., & Guinote, A. (2010). How long will it take? Power biases time predictions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(4), 595-604.

People tend to underestimate the time it takes to accomplish tasks. This bias known as the planning fallacy derives from the tendency to focus attention too narrowly on the envisaged goal and to ignore additional information that could make predictio... Read More about How long will it take? Power biases time predictions.