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Outputs (4)

Foetal mouth movements: Effects of nicotine (2021)
Journal Article
Froggatt, S., Reissland, N., Covey, J., & Kumardendran, K. (2021). Foetal mouth movements: Effects of nicotine. Acta Paediatrica: Nurturing the Child, 110(11), 3014-3020.

Aim: To assess whether fetal mouth movement frequency changes across gestation and whether there are differences between cigarette and e-cigarette exposure conditions in comparison to a non-exposed group of fetuses. Method: Pregnant women underwent 4... Read More about Foetal mouth movements: Effects of nicotine.

The Predictive Utility of Reward-Based Motives Underlying Excessive and Problematic Social Networking Site Use (2021)
Journal Article
Wadsley, M., Covey, J., & Ihssen, N. (2022). The Predictive Utility of Reward-Based Motives Underlying Excessive and Problematic Social Networking Site Use. Psychological Reports, 125(5), 2485-2516.

Compulsive seeking of reward is a hallmark feature of drug addiction, but the role of reward is less well understood in behavioural addictions. The present study investigated the predictive utility of ten reward-based motives, which we identified in... Read More about The Predictive Utility of Reward-Based Motives Underlying Excessive and Problematic Social Networking Site Use.

Carers' perceptions of harm and the protective measures taken to safeguard children's health against inhalation of volcanic ash: A comparative study across Indonesia, Japan and Mexico (2021)
Journal Article
Covey, J., Dominelli, L., Horwell, C., Rachmawati, L., Martin-del Pozzo, A., Armienta, M., Nugroho, F., & Ogawa, R. (2021). Carers' perceptions of harm and the protective measures taken to safeguard children's health against inhalation of volcanic ash: A comparative study across Indonesia, Japan and Mexico. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 59, Article 102194.

Volcanic ash contains potentially toxic elements which could affect human health. There is a paucity of research focusing on the impact of airborne volcanic emissions on the health of children, and on their exposure reduction. Children's carers (pare... Read More about Carers' perceptions of harm and the protective measures taken to safeguard children's health against inhalation of volcanic ash: A comparative study across Indonesia, Japan and Mexico.

Risk Perception of Cigarette and E-cigarette use during Pregnancy: A Qualitative Postpartum Perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Froggatt, S., Reissland, N., & Covey, J. (2021). Risk Perception of Cigarette and E-cigarette use during Pregnancy: A Qualitative Postpartum Perspective. Midwifery, 94, Article 102917.

Aim: The aim of this exploratory qualitative analysis is to assess the perceptions of risks of cigarette and e-cigarette use during pregnancy. Background: An important public health aim is a reduction of smoking at time of delivery (SATOD) from 10.6%... Read More about Risk Perception of Cigarette and E-cigarette use during Pregnancy: A Qualitative Postpartum Perspective.