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Outputs (11)

Binocular coordination of the eyes during reading (2006)
Journal Article
Liversedge, S., Rayner, K., White, S., Findlay, J., & McSorley, E. (2006). Binocular coordination of the eyes during reading. Current Biology, 16(17), 1726-1729.

Saccadic eye movements and fixations are the behavioral means by which we visually sample text during reading. Human oculomotor control is governed by a complex neurophysiological system involving the brain stem, superior colliculus, and several cort... Read More about Binocular coordination of the eyes during reading.

Binocular co-ordination of eye movements during reading (2006)
Journal Article
Liversedge, S., White, S., Findlay, J., & Rayner, K. (2006). Binocular co-ordination of eye movements during reading. Vision Research, 46(15), 2363-2374.

Binocular coordination of the eyes during reading was examined. Fixation disparity greater than one character occurred on 47% of fixations, with the disparity being predominantly uncrossed (39%), though a small proportion of fixations were crossed. T... Read More about Binocular co-ordination of eye movements during reading.

Between-object and within-object saccade programming in a visual search task (2006)
Journal Article
Vergilino-Perez, D., & Findlay, J. (2006). Between-object and within-object saccade programming in a visual search task. Vision Research, 46(14), 2204-2216.

The role of the perceptual organization of the visual display on eye movement control was examined in two experiments using a task where a two-saccade sequence was directed toward either a single elongated object or three separate shorter objects. In... Read More about Between-object and within-object saccade programming in a visual search task.

Eye scanning of multi-element displays. I. Scanpath planning (2006)
Journal Article
Findlay, J., & Brown, V. (2006). Eye scanning of multi-element displays. I. Scanpath planning. Vision Research, 46(1), 179-195.

We recorded oculomotor scanpaths in a task that required individuals to scan through displays consisting of a small number(between 3 and 12) of near-identical items. The task required each item to be fixated at least once and our objective was to exp... Read More about Eye scanning of multi-element displays. I. Scanpath planning.

Eye scanning of multi-element displays: II. Saccade planning (2006)
Journal Article
Findlay, J., & Brown, V. (2006). Eye scanning of multi-element displays: II. Saccade planning. Vision Research, 46(1), 216-227.

The properties of saccadic eye movements were studied in a task that required observers to scan through a display consisting of a set of discrete objects. The saccades forming the scanpath showed very high accuracy with almost no undershoot provided... Read More about Eye scanning of multi-element displays: II. Saccade planning.

Early views of viewing (2005)
Journal Article
Findlay, J. (2005). Early views of viewing. Nature, 437(7057), 321-321.

BOOK REVIEWED -The Moving Tablet of the Eye: The Origins of Modern Eye Movement Research by Nicholas J. Wade & & Benjamin W. Tatler Oxford University Press: 2005. 312 pp. £75, $145 (hbk); £29,95 (pbk)

Eye guidance and visual search (2005)
Book Chapter
Findlay, J., & Gilchrist, I. (2005). Eye guidance and visual search. In G. Underwood (Ed.), Cognitive processes in eye guidance (259-281). Oxford University Press

Covert attention and saccadic eye movements (2005)
Book Chapter
Findlay, J. (2005). Covert attention and saccadic eye movements. In L. Itti, G. Rees, & J. Tsotsos (Eds.), Neurobiology of attention (114-117). Elsevier Academic Press

In normal vision the eyes make overt saccadic eye movements several times each second. We have a good understanding of how saccadic targets are selected, particularly in visual search and in reading. Visual processing is enhanced at the saccade desti... Read More about Covert attention and saccadic eye movements.