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Outputs (43)

A meta-analysis of loneliness and use of primary health care (2021)
Journal Article
Sirois, F. M., & Owens, J. (2023). A meta-analysis of loneliness and use of primary health care. Health Psychology Review, 17(2), 193-210.

Loneliness is a growing public health concern that is associated with a range of negative health outcomes. The extent to which loneliness may also be associated with greater use of primary health care remains unclear. The present meta-analysis aimed... Read More about A meta-analysis of loneliness and use of primary health care.

Neural connectome prospectively encodes the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, Z., Feng, P., Becker, B., Xu, T., Nassar, M. R., Sirois, F., Hommel, B., Zhang, C., He, Q., Qiu, J., He, L., Lei, X., Chen, H., & Feng, T. (2021). Neural connectome prospectively encodes the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of Stress, 15,

A person-centred test of multidimensional perfectionism and health in people with chronic fatigue syndrome versus healthy controls (2021)
Journal Article
Sirois, F. M., Toussaint, L., Hirsch, J. K., Kohls, N., & Offenbächer, M. (2021). A person-centred test of multidimensional perfectionism and health in people with chronic fatigue syndrome versus healthy controls. Personality and Individual Differences, 181,

Theory and evidence suggests that person-centred models may be especially relevant for elucidating the role of perfectionism in health and well-being in those with chronic health conditions. This may be particularly true for conditions, such as chron... Read More about A person-centred test of multidimensional perfectionism and health in people with chronic fatigue syndrome versus healthy controls.

The prospective effects of self-compassion on depressive symptoms, anxiety, and stress: A study in inflammatory bowel disease (2021)
Journal Article
Trindade, I. A., & Sirois, F. M. (2021). The prospective effects of self-compassion on depressive symptoms, anxiety, and stress: A study in inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 146,

To date, research with people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has only examined how self-compassion is linked with stress, and have exclusively used cross-sectional designs. This study aims to examine the associations of self-compass... Read More about The prospective effects of self-compassion on depressive symptoms, anxiety, and stress: A study in inflammatory bowel disease.

Factors Associated With Psychological Distress in Health-Care Workers During an Infectious Disease Outbreak: A Rapid Systematic Review of the Evidence (2021)
Journal Article
Sirois, F. M., & Owens, J. (2021). Factors Associated With Psychological Distress in Health-Care Workers During an Infectious Disease Outbreak: A Rapid Systematic Review of the Evidence. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11,

Objective: Health-care workers (HCW) are at risk for psychological distress during an infectious disease outbreak, such as the coronavirus pandemic, due to the demands of dealing with a public health emergency. This rapid systematic review examined t... Read More about Factors Associated With Psychological Distress in Health-Care Workers During an Infectious Disease Outbreak: A Rapid Systematic Review of the Evidence.

Emotional adaptation to relationship dissolution in parents and non-parents: A new conceptual model and measure (2020)
Journal Article
Millings, A., Hirst, S. L., Sirois, F., & Houlston, C. (2020). Emotional adaptation to relationship dissolution in parents and non-parents: A new conceptual model and measure. PLoS ONE, 15(10),

Relationship dissolution can cause declines in emotional well-being, particularly if there are children involved. Individuals’ capacity to cope with the pragmatics of the situation, such as agreeing childcare arrangements, can be impaired. Before now... Read More about Emotional adaptation to relationship dissolution in parents and non-parents: A new conceptual model and measure.