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Mechanisms and outcomes of a very low intensity intervention to improve parental acknowledgement and understanding of childhood overweight/obesity, embedded in the National Child Measurement Programme: A sub‐study within a large cluster Randomized Controlled Trial ( MapMe2 ) (2025)
Journal Article
Evans, E. H., Jones, C. M., Adamson, A., Jones, A. R., Basterfield, L., Greca, J. P. D. A., Sermin‐Reed, L., Patterson, M., McSweeney, L., Dhami, R., Ells, L., Gahagan, A., Robinson, T., Shahrokhabadi, M. S., Teare, D., Tovée, M. J., & Araújo Soares, V. (2025). Mechanisms and outcomes of a very low intensity intervention to improve parental acknowledgement and understanding of childhood overweight/obesity, embedded in the National Child Measurement Programme: A sub‐study within a large cluster Randomized Controlled Trial ( MapMe2 ). British Journal of Health Psychology, 30(1), Article e12784.

Objectives: Parental underdetection of child underweight and overweight/obesity may negatively affect children's longer‐term health. We examined psychological/behavioural mechanisms of a very low‐intensity intervention to improve acknowledgement and... Read More about Mechanisms and outcomes of a very low intensity intervention to improve parental acknowledgement and understanding of childhood overweight/obesity, embedded in the National Child Measurement Programme: A sub‐study within a large cluster Randomized Controlled Trial ( MapMe2 ).

The role of health behaviour in obesity (2025)
Book Chapter
Evans, E. H., Ahern, A. L., Dombrowski, S. U., & Vasiljevic, M. (2025). The role of health behaviour in obesity. In R. Sanderman, & K. Morgan (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Health Psychology: Global and Contemporary Issues (242-256). Routledge.

Obesity is the accumulation of excess adipose tissue (fat) and presents risks to physical and mental health. Health-related behaviours contribute to the occurrence of obesity, and both these behaviours and obesity itself may be responsible for some o... Read More about The role of health behaviour in obesity.

Health behaviours of 17- to 19-year olds in North East England: assessing adherence to current recommendations for young people at the adolescent-adult boundary. (2025)
Journal Article
Basterfield, L., Rowland, M., Rigg, R., Reilly, J. J., Janssen, X., Pearce, M. S., Evans, E. H., & Adamson, A. J. (online). Health behaviours of 17- to 19-year olds in North East England: assessing adherence to current recommendations for young people at the adolescent-adult boundary. Perspectives in Public Health, Article 17579139241308824.

Aims: Late adolescence/young adulthood represents a transition to independence, with increasing control over health behaviours (hB). however, hB data of late adolescents are often reported in wide and inconsistent age brackets, making comparisons wit... Read More about Health behaviours of 17- to 19-year olds in North East England: assessing adherence to current recommendations for young people at the adolescent-adult boundary..