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The flexible Action System: Click-based Echolocation may replace certain visual Functionality for adaptive Walking (2019)
Journal Article
Thaler, L., Zhang, X., Antoniou, M., Kish, D., & Cowie, D. (2020). The flexible Action System: Click-based Echolocation may replace certain visual Functionality for adaptive Walking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 46(1), 21-35.

People use sensory, in particular visual, information to guide actions such as walking around obstacles, grasping or reaching. However, it is presently unclear how malleable the sensorimotor system is. The present study investigated this by measuring... Read More about The flexible Action System: Click-based Echolocation may replace certain visual Functionality for adaptive Walking.

The development of visually guided stepping (2019)
Journal Article
Mowbray, R., Gottwald, J., Zhao, M., Atkinson, A., & Cowie, D. (2019). The development of visually guided stepping. Experimental Brain Research, 237(11), 2875-2883.

Adults use vision during stepping and walking to fine-tune foot placement. However, the developmental profile of visually guided stepping is unclear. We asked (1) whether children use online vision to fine-tune precise steps and (2) whether preci- si... Read More about The development of visually guided stepping.

Does the language we use to segment the body, shape the way we perceive it? A study of tactile perceptual distortions (2019)
Journal Article
Knight, F. L. C., Bremner, A. J., & Cowie, D. (2019). Does the language we use to segment the body, shape the way we perceive it? A study of tactile perceptual distortions. Cognition, 197, Article 104127.

Tactile perception is referenced to, and modulated by, body parts and their boundaries. For example, tactile distances presented over the wrist are perceptually elongated relative to those presented within the hand or arm. This phenomenon is argued t... Read More about Does the language we use to segment the body, shape the way we perceive it? A study of tactile perceptual distortions.