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Outputs (61)

How do goal orientations and motivational climate interact to affect short-term performance and self-confidence in sport? A test of the matching hypothesis across three studies. (2024)
Journal Article
Philyaw, K., Smith, D., & Covey, J. (online). How do goal orientations and motivational climate interact to affect short-term performance and self-confidence in sport? A test of the matching hypothesis across three studies. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology,

Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) is an interactionist theory that predicts that motivation is determined by the interaction of dispositional goals and the motivational climate. The ‘matching hypothesis’ predicts that that motivation is optimal when ther... Read More about How do goal orientations and motivational climate interact to affect short-term performance and self-confidence in sport? A test of the matching hypothesis across three studies..

How does contextual information affect aesthetic appreciation and gaze behavior in figurative and abstract artwork? (2024)
Journal Article
Casteau, S., & Smith, D. T. (2024). How does contextual information affect aesthetic appreciation and gaze behavior in figurative and abstract artwork?. Journal of Vision, 24(12), Article 8.

Numerous studies have investigated how providing contextual information with artwork influences gaze behavior, yet the evidence that contextually triggered changes in oculomotor behavior when exploring artworks may be linked to changes in aesthetic e... Read More about How does contextual information affect aesthetic appreciation and gaze behavior in figurative and abstract artwork?.

Precision in spatial working memory examined with mouse pointing (2023)
Journal Article
McAteer, S. M., McAteer, S. M., McGregor, A., Smith, D. T., & Smith, D. T. (2024). Precision in spatial working memory examined with mouse pointing. Vision Research, 215, Article 108343.

The capacity of visuospatial working memory (VSWM) is limited. However, there is continued debate surrounding the nature of this capacity limitation. The resource model (Bays et al., 2009) proposes that VSWM capacity is limited by the precision with... Read More about Precision in spatial working memory examined with mouse pointing.

A presaccadic perceptual impairment at the postsaccadic location of the blindspot (2023)
Journal Article
Smith, D. T., Beierholm, U., & Avery, M. (2023). A presaccadic perceptual impairment at the postsaccadic location of the blindspot. PLoS ONE, 18(9), Article e0291582.

Saccadic eye movements are preceded by profound changes in visual perception. These changes have been linked to the phenomenon of ‘forward remapping’, in which cells begin to respond to stimuli that appear in their post-saccadic receptive field befor... Read More about A presaccadic perceptual impairment at the postsaccadic location of the blindspot.

Dynamic resource allocation in spatial working memory during full and partial report tasks (2023)
Journal Article
McAteer, S. M., Ablott, E., McGregor, A., & Smith, D. T. (2023). Dynamic resource allocation in spatial working memory during full and partial report tasks. Journal of Vision, 23(2), Article 10.

Serial position effects are well-documented in working memory literature. Studies of spatial short-term memory that rely on binary response; full report tasks tend to report stronger primacy than recency effects. In contrast, studies that utilize a c... Read More about Dynamic resource allocation in spatial working memory during full and partial report tasks.

Oculomotor rehearsal in visuospatial working memory (2022)
Journal Article
McAteer, S. M., McGregor, A., & Smith, D. T. (2023). Oculomotor rehearsal in visuospatial working memory. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 85(1), 261-275.

The neural and cognitive mechanisms of spatial working memory are tightly coupled with the systems that control eye movements, but the precise nature of this coupling is not well understood. It has been argued that the oculomotor system is selectivel... Read More about Oculomotor rehearsal in visuospatial working memory.

A horizontal–vertical anisotropy in spatial short-term memory (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, D. T. (2022). A horizontal–vertical anisotropy in spatial short-term memory. Visual Cognition, 30(4), 245-253.

Visual perception and saccadic eye-movements are more precise when directed at isoeccentric locations along the horizontal compared to vertical meridian. This effect is known as horizontal-vertical anisotropy (HVA). Given that the eye-movement system... Read More about A horizontal–vertical anisotropy in spatial short-term memory.

Reduced mood variability is associated with enhanced performance during ultrarunnning (2021)
Journal Article
Burgum, P., & Smith, D. T. (2021). Reduced mood variability is associated with enhanced performance during ultrarunnning. PLoS ONE, 16(9), Article e0256888.

Ultrarunning requires extraordinary endurance but the psychological factors involved in successful ultrarunning are not well understood. One widely held view is that fluctuations in mood play a pivotal role in performance during endurance events. How... Read More about Reduced mood variability is associated with enhanced performance during ultrarunnning.

Gaze cueing, mental states, and the effect of autistic traits (2021)
Journal Article
Morgan, E. J., Smith, D. T., & Freeth, M. (2023). Gaze cueing, mental states, and the effect of autistic traits. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 85(2), 485-493.

The ability to interpret and follow the gaze of our social partners is an integral skill in human communication. Recent research has demonstrated that gaze following behaviour is influenced by theory of mind (ToM) processes. However, it has yet to be... Read More about Gaze cueing, mental states, and the effect of autistic traits.

The presence of placeholders modulates the naso-temporal asymmetry in the remote distractor effect (2021)
Journal Article
Casteau, S., Lodge, R., Chalkley, M., Walker, R., & Smith, D. T. (2021). The presence of placeholders modulates the naso-temporal asymmetry in the remote distractor effect. Cortex, 141, 201-210.

The remote distractor effect (RDE) is a well-known and robust phenomenon whereby latencies of saccades are increased when a distractor is presented simultaneously along with the saccade target. Studies of the RDE in patients with a loss of vision in... Read More about The presence of placeholders modulates the naso-temporal asymmetry in the remote distractor effect.