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Outputs (2)

Contagious Crying Revisited: A Cross‐Cultural Investigation Into Infant Emotion Contagion Using Infrared Thermal Imaging (2025)
Journal Article
Vreden, C., Renner, E., Ainamani, H. E., Crowther, R., Forward, B., Mazari, S., Tuohy, G., Ndyareeba, E., & Clay, Z. (2025). Contagious Crying Revisited: A Cross‐Cultural Investigation Into Infant Emotion Contagion Using Infrared Thermal Imaging. Developmental Science, 28(2), Article e13608.

Contagious crying in infants has been considered an early marker of their sensitivity to others’ emotions, a form of emotional contagion, and an early basis for empathy. However, it remains unclear whether infant distress in response to peer distress... Read More about Contagious Crying Revisited: A Cross‐Cultural Investigation Into Infant Emotion Contagion Using Infrared Thermal Imaging.

Is the majority always right? Young children's normative interpretations of majority and dissenting peer behavior (2023)
Journal Article
Hardecker, S., Vreden, C., & Alcan, E. (2023). Is the majority always right? Young children's normative interpretations of majority and dissenting peer behavior. Social Development, 32(4), 1168-1191.

The present study investigates the social-cognitive underpinnings of young children's bias to follow the majority. More specifically, we focus on the question of whether children not only copy the behavior of a majority of peers, but whether they als... Read More about Is the majority always right? Young children's normative interpretations of majority and dissenting peer behavior.