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Outputs (2)

A Scoping Review of the Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Cognitive Frailty (2023)
Journal Article
Hodgson, J. R., Benkowitz, C., Castellani, B. C., Ellison, A., Yassaie, R., Twohig, H., …Fowler-Davis, S. (2024). A Scoping Review of the Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Cognitive Frailty. Environments, 11(1), Article 4.

Environmental and public health research has given considerable attention to the impact of air quality on brain health, with systematic reviews being widespread. No literature review has been conducted for cognitive frailty—a multidimensional syndrom... Read More about A Scoping Review of the Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Cognitive Frailty.

Mitigating the impact of air pollution on dementia and brain health: Setting the policy agenda (2022)
Journal Article
Castellani, B., Bartington, S., Wistow, J., Heckels, N., Ellison, A., Van Tongeren, M., Arnold, S. R., Barbrook-Johnson, P., Bicket, M., Pope, F. D., Russ, T. C., Clarke, C. L., Pirani, M., Schwannauer, M., Vieno, M., Turnbull, R., Gilbert, N., & Reis, S. (2022). Mitigating the impact of air pollution on dementia and brain health: Setting the policy agenda. Environmental Research, 215(2), Article 114362.

Background Emerging research suggests exposure to high levels of air pollution at critical points in the life-course is detrimental to brain health, including cognitive decline and dementia. Social determinants play a significant role, including soci... Read More about Mitigating the impact of air pollution on dementia and brain health: Setting the policy agenda.