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Point Set Denoising using a Variational Bayesian Method (2008)
Journal Article
Yoon, M., & Ivrissimtzis, I. (2008). Point Set Denoising using a Variational Bayesian Method. Jeongbo gwahaghoe nonmunji. keompyuting ui silje, 14(5), 527-531

For statistical modeling, the model parameters are usually estimated by maximizing a probability measure, such as the likelihood or the posterior. In contrast, a variational Bayesian method threats the parameters of the model as probability distribut... Read More about Point Set Denoising using a Variational Bayesian Method.

Dualities for constraint satisfaction problems (2008)
Book Chapter
Bulatov, A., Krokhin, A., & Larose, B. (2008). Dualities for constraint satisfaction problems. In N. Creignou, P. Kolaitis, & H. Vollmer (Eds.), Complexity of constraints : an overview of current research themes (93-124). Springer Verlag.

In a nutshell, a duality for a constraint satisfaction problem equates the existence of one homomorphism to the non-existence of other homomorphisms. In this survey paper, we give an overview of logical, combinatorial, and algebraic aspects of the fo... Read More about Dualities for constraint satisfaction problems.

Subdivision Surfaces and Applications (2008)
Book Chapter
Catalano, C., Ivrissimtzis, I., & Nasri, A. (2008). Subdivision Surfaces and Applications. In L. De Floriani, & M. Spagnuolo (Eds.), Shape analysis and structuring (115-143). Springer Verlag.

After a short introduction on the fundamentals of subdivision surfaces, the more advanced material of this chapter focuses on two main aspects. First, shape interrogation issues are discussed; in particular, artifacts, typical of subdivision surfaces... Read More about Subdivision Surfaces and Applications.

The friendship problem on graphs (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mertzios, G., & Unger, W. (2008, May). The friendship problem on graphs. Presented at 1st International Conference on Relations, Orders and Graphs : Interaction with Computer Science (ROGICS), Mahdia, Tunisia

Computing sharp 2-factors in claw-free graphs (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Broersma, H. J., & Paulusma, D. (2008, December). Computing sharp 2-factors in claw-free graphs. Presented at 33th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Toru´n, Poland

In a recently submitted paper we obtained an upper bound for the minimum number of components of a 2-factor in a claw-free graph. This bound is sharp in the sense that there exist infinitely many claw-free graphs for which the bound is tight. In this... Read More about Computing sharp 2-factors in claw-free graphs.

Comparing universal covers in polynomial time (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fiala, J., & Paulusma, D. (2008, December). Comparing universal covers in polynomial time. Presented at 3rd International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, Moscow, Russia

The universal cover T G of a connected graph G is the unique (possible infinite) tree covering G, i.e., that allows a locally bijective homomorphism from T G to G. Universal covers have major applications in the area of distributed computing. It is w... Read More about Comparing universal covers in polynomial time.

Lessons from a cross-domain investigation of empirical practices (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Budgen, D., Bailey, J., Turner, M., Kitchenham, B., Brereton, P., & Charters, S. (2008, June). Lessons from a cross-domain investigation of empirical practices. Presented at 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, EASE 2008, Bari, Italy

Context: We are seeking the best ways to employ evidence-based practices in software engineering research and practice. Objectives: To help assess our guidelines for conducting systematic literature reviews we have investigated how other academic dis... Read More about Lessons from a cross-domain investigation of empirical practices.