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Outputs (59)

Maximum constraint satisfaction on diamonds (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Krokhin, A., & Larose, B. (2005, December). Maximum constraint satisfaction on diamonds. Presented at 11th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming {(CP'05)

Adaptable Analysis of Dependable System Architectures Through Monitoring (2005)
Book Chapter
Dias, M., & Richardson, D. J. (2005). Adaptable Analysis of Dependable System Architectures Through Monitoring. In R. D. Lemos, C. Gacek, & A. Romanovsky (Eds.), Architecting dependable systems III (122-147). Springer Verlag.

Every day, our society becomes more dependent on complex software systems with high availability requirements, such as those present in telecommunications, air traffic control, power plants and distribution lines, among others. In order to facilitate... Read More about Adaptable Analysis of Dependable System Architectures Through Monitoring.

A complete complexity classification of the role assignment problem (2005)
Journal Article
Fiala, J., & Paulusma, D. (2005). A complete complexity classification of the role assignment problem. Theoretical Computer Science, 349(1), 67-81.

In social network theory a society is often represented by a simple graph G, where vertices stand for individuals and edges represent relationships between those individuals. The description of the social network is tried to be simplified by assignin... Read More about A complete complexity classification of the role assignment problem.

Multi-server support for large scale distributed virtual environments (2005)
Journal Article
Ng, B., Lau, R. W., Si, A., & Li, F. (2005). Multi-server support for large scale distributed virtual environments. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 7(6), 1054-1065.

CyberWalk is a distributed virtual walkthrough system that we have developed. It allows users at different geographical locations to share information and interact within a shared virtual environment (VE) via a local network or through the Internet.... Read More about Multi-server support for large scale distributed virtual environments.