Author-Profiling of Learners’ Gender on a MOOC Platform based on their Comments
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aljohani, T., Yu, J., & Alrajhi, L. (2019, December). Author-Profiling of Learners’ Gender on a MOOC Platform based on their Comments. Paper presented at ACM-Women UK Inspire 2019, Canterbury,England
Outputs (2)
Predicting Learners' Demographics Characteristics: Deep Learning Ensemble Architecture for Learners' Characteristics Prediction in MOOCs (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aljohani, T., & Cristea, A. I. (2019, December). Predicting Learners' Demographics Characteristics: Deep Learning Ensemble Architecture for Learners' Characteristics Prediction in MOOCs. Presented at ICIEI 2019: 2019 The 4th International Conference on Information and Education InnovationsAuthor Profiling (AP), which aims to predict an author's demographics characteristics automatically by using texts written by the author, is an important mechanism for many applications, as well as highly challenging. In this research, we analyse var... Read More about Predicting Learners' Demographics Characteristics: Deep Learning Ensemble Architecture for Learners' Characteristics Prediction in MOOCs.