Modeling Women's Elective Choices in Computing
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bradley, S., Parker, M. C., Altin, R., Barker, L., Hooshangi, S., Kunkeler, T., Lennon, R. G., McNeill, F., Minguillón, J., Parkinson, J., Peltsverger, S., & Sibia, N. (2023, July). Modeling Women's Elective Choices in Computing. Presented at ITiCSE 2023: Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Turku Finland
Evidence-based strategies suggest ways to reduce the gender gap in computing. For example, elective classes are valuable in enabling students to choose in which directions to expand their computing knowledge in areas aligned with their interests. T... Read More about Modeling Women's Elective Choices in Computing.