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Outputs (13)

A Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor projected on to the sky with reduced focal anisoplanatism (2006)
Journal Article
Butterley, T., Love, G., Wilson, R., Myers, R., & Morris, T. (2006). A Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor projected on to the sky with reduced focal anisoplanatism. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 368(2), 837-843.

A method for producing a laser guide star wavefront sensor for adaptive optics with reduced focal anisoplanatism is presented. A theoretical analysis and numerical simulations have been carried out and the results are presented. The technique, named... Read More about A Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor projected on to the sky with reduced focal anisoplanatism.

Sky-projected Shack-Hartmann laser guide star (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Butterley, T., Buscher, D. F., Love, G. D., Morris, T. J., Myers, R. M., & Wilson, R. W. (2004, December). Sky-projected Shack-Hartmann laser guide star

Emulating MultiConjugate Turbulence (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Love, G. D., Clark, P., Dunlop, C. N., Kelly, T.-L., Langloids, M., Myers, R. M., & Sharples, R. M. (2002, December). Emulating MultiConjugate Turbulence

Laser beacon wave-front sensing without focal anisoplanatism (2002)
Journal Article
Buscher, D., Love, G., & Myers, R. (2002). Laser beacon wave-front sensing without focal anisoplanatism. Optics Letters, 27(3), 149-151.

Wave-front sensing from artificial beacons is normally performed by formation of a focused spot in the atmosphere and sensing of the wave-front distortions produced during the beam's return passage. We propose an alternative method that senses the di... Read More about Laser beacon wave-front sensing without focal anisoplanatism.

Wavefront correction using a self-referencing phase conjugation system based on a Zernike cell (2001)
Journal Article
Dale, S., Love, G., Myers, R., & Naumov, A. (2001). Wavefront correction using a self-referencing phase conjugation system based on a Zernike cell. Optics Communications, 191(1-2), 31-38.

A wavefront correction system was produced using a phase conjugating method based on a point diffraction interferometer, or Zernike cell. This has the main advantage that no separate reference beam is required. The PDI was constructed using an optica... Read More about Wavefront correction using a self-referencing phase conjugation system based on a Zernike cell.