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Outputs (3)

Emulating MultiConjugate Turbulence (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Love, G. D., Clark, P., Dunlop, C. N., Kelly, T.-L., Langloids, M., Myers, R. M., & Sharples, R. M. (2002, December). Emulating MultiConjugate Turbulence

Modal liquid crystal wavefront corrector (2002)
Journal Article
Kotova, S., Kvashnin, M., Rakhmatulin, M., Zayakin, O., Guralnik, I., Klimov, N., …Toporkova, L. (2002). Modal liquid crystal wavefront corrector. Optics Express, 10(22), 1258-1272.

Results are presented of the properties of a liquid crystal wavefront corrector for adaptive optics. The device is controlled using modal addressing in which case the device behaves more like a continuous facesheet deformable mirror than a segmented... Read More about Modal liquid crystal wavefront corrector.

Dual-conjugate wavefront generation for adaptive optics (2000)
Journal Article
Kelly, T., Buscher, D., Clark, P., Dunlop, C., Love, G., Myers, R., …Zadrozny, A. (2000). Dual-conjugate wavefront generation for adaptive optics. Optics Express, 7(11), 368-374.

We present results of the isoplanatic performance of an astronomical adaptive optics system in the laboratory, by using a dual layer turbulence simulator. We describe how the performance of adaptive correction degrades with off-axis angle. These expe... Read More about Dual-conjugate wavefront generation for adaptive optics.